how do you host?

August 8th, 2016

If any of you have Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos and have an online account for, do you know how to host games?
Because whenever I host, no one can join. And I want to play my Wintermaul Wars 24/7.
If anyone saw my thread about the game not installing, it’s fixed.

Answer #1
You need to port forward; here is a website:
Answer #2
Okay, but I’ve run into a problem:
So I am using a Bell Speedstream 6520 router to try and make sure I can host for Warcraft 3. I have got my static IP address, and I have got up until here: 520/Warcraft_III.htm
Where I have to enter my router address.
So I do that, and it ask for my username and password.
I write down both of them, but it’s not correct.
Just a couple of minutes ago, we called Bell to make sure the password was correct, and it was.
Does anyone know why it might not be working?


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