Batman : Arkham City Problem
August 29th, 2013
How can I fix this?
Thanks for the help!
can you show us those log files in that log folder.??
Hmmmm…many reasons i guesss…
Do you have
Games for Window Live Client installed?
DirectX Updated?
VisualC ?
Yes I do. All up to date.
The log files.
Since you’re only halfway into the installation, it’s rather unlikely it’s a DirectX, drivers or w/e problem. Please post the log as suggested above by .:Tony_Stark:.
Posted the log!
Well, the contents would be more interesting than the names
One second.
Empty. Nothing's in it.
Logging Started: 12/29/2011 17:46:36
Source Folder: h:\2d6f3236e4682b3f1e13c4fb3ba3
OS v6.1 (build 7600) 32 bit
OS Product Type: 0x00000001
User Default LCID: 0x0409
Command Line: h:\2d6f3236e4682b3f1e13c4fb3ba3\gfwlivesetup.exe /q
(17:46:36) Direct DL: 0
(17:46:36) DL Recent: 0
(17:46:36) Offer ID:
(17:46:36) Initialized
(17:46:37) Resources initialized
(17:46:37) Download folder C:\Users\Administrator123\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads
(17:46:37) Downloading version file to C:\Users\Administrator123\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads\gfwlivesetup_10642.ver
(17:46:37) Download Status:
(17:46:37) Error downloading. [Code:0x800c0005]
(17:46:38) Exit code: 0x00000000
(17:46:38) Progress 44%
(17:47:08) Progress 52%
(17:47:14) Progress 61%
(17:47:19) Progress 70%
(17:47:19) An error occurred. Error code: 0x80070656
(17:47:19) An error occurred. Error code: 0x80070656
(17:47:19) InstallProduct Error: 0x80070656
(17:47:19) Exit code: 0x80070656
(17:47:19) InvokeUacPath LCID:1033 Flags:0x00000000 Target:C:\Program Files\WB Games\Batman Arkham City [Code:0x80070656]
(17:47:19) Stage 0: Error. Reason:Generic 3 [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) Installation failed [Code:0x80070656]
(17:47:19) Install Complete [Code:0x80070656]
(17:47:19) Stage 0: Error. Reason:Install [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) Stage 0: Error. Reason:Generic 1 [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) InstallProduct exit [Code:0x80070656]
Logging Started: 12/29/2011 17:46:38
EXE: h:\2d6f3236e4682b3f1e13c4fb3ba3\gfwlivesetup.exe (
DLL: h:\2d6f3236e4682b3f1e13c4fb3ba3\gfwlivesetup.exe (
Source Folder: h:\2d6f3236e4682b3f1e13c4fb3ba3
OS v6.1 (build 7600) 32 bit
OS Product Type: 0x00000001
User Default LCID: 0x0409
(17:46:38) Download folder: C:\Users\Administrator123\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads
(17:46:38) Stage 1: Finished
(17:46:38) Stage 2: Start
(17:46:38) EXE Package: L:\dotnetfx35.exe
(17:46:38) Args: /q
(17:47:08) Stage 2: Finished
(17:47:08) Stage 3: Start
(17:47:08) EXE Package: L:\DXRedist\DXSETUP.exe
(17:47:08) Args: /silent
(17:47:14) Stage 3: Finished
(17:47:14) Stage 4: Start
(17:47:14) EXE Package: L:\AMD_DCOptSetup.exe
(17:47:14) Args: /S /v/qn
(17:47:19) Stage 4: Finished
(17:47:19) Stage 5: Start
(17:47:19) MSI Package: L:\Game.msi. Target: C:\Program Files\WB Games\Batman Arkham City
(17:47:19) MSI log file: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\GFWLive\Install\Logs\Game-msi.log
(17:47:19) MSI Properties: DESKTOPSHORTCUT="0" APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY="C:\Program Files\WB Games\Batman Arkham City" ENABLEREPAIR="1" REBOOT="ReallySuppress"
(17:47:19) MsiInstallProduct L:\Game.msi DESKTOPSHORTCUT="0" APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY="C:\Program Files\WB Games\Batman Arkham City" ENABLEREPAIR="1" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" [Code:0x80070656]
(17:47:19) Stage 5: Error. Reason:Execute [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) Stage 5: Error. Reason:Generic 2 [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) Stage 5: Error. Reason:Generic 3 [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) Installation failed [Code:0x80070656]
(17:47:19) Install Complete [Code:0x80070656]
(17:47:19) Stage 5: Error. Reason:Install [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) Stage 5: Error. Reason:Generic 1 [Code:0x80070656] Msg:
(17:47:19) InstallProduct exit [Code:0x80070656]
That’s about it.
Its securom conflicting with something on your computer. Its a powerful little piece of software. It will basically make the disc unable to read because it thinks you are trying to copy it. It suppose to stop people with virtual drives from ripping the game, but it just ends up doing all kinds of crazy stuff. It also doesnt say that its securom thats stopping it, it will just give an error. Sometimes its a file not found error, or other times its a different hex error. I had 3 or 4 different hex errors when i installed the game. Securom is a real pain in the @ss. It will conflict with anti virus and sometimes even other totally unrelated programs. For me I had to uninstall rome total war and program that manages my lcd screen on my keyboard, because those programs are totally trying to illegally copy the game right?
So turn off your anti virus and any virtual drive programs as a start, but it might be something else on your computer thats causing it. I personally hate securom, its a pos. This game is sooo good once you get it running but its the worst install process I have ever had. I wont be buying another game from rocksteady which makes sad because this is a great game, but the drm filled garbage install process is a real good reason to stay away.