Anyone good with Excel?

September 2nd, 2013

Im still a noob with it and have a question. If it doesnt make sense, Ill try my best to make sense. Using the most recent Excel too btw
Anyways, for my work ive got a row of numbers from B to M.
Now on the last 2 cells for both B and C (Meaning last 2 cells of B, and last 2 cells of C) Im supposed to highlight just the 4 cells, and bring them down 25 spaces (so theres 25 more cells of data). Than what I do, is highlight all the data I just dragged down except for the last 4 cells I started with, and and click the right drag arrow and bring it from B-C all the way to M. (so theres even more data from B-C to M)
I repeat this over and over again..
Now my question is, is there some way I can do this easier, like a forumla that would auto do it, im supposed to get to 100,000 and im only out about 3776. Im using no formulas. Any help is appreciated.

Answer #1
not sure what youmean, can you upload the file somewhere?
Answer #2
Do you have skype? I can desktop show you what im working with. Ive showed some people and the desktop scenario is way better
Answer #3
I don’t hand my skype out here unfortunaetly, but can you describe it better?
A row from B to M implies one row.
But then you mention last 2 rows??
And you want to fill thousands of rows of data? I think some of your terminology is a little off.
If you can describe it better, I can tell you what to do.
btw any reason you don’t just keep holding down while dragging, to fill the 100,000? Excel is normally fast at this.
Answer #4
Well ive tried that, the data is all in a specific order. Ill give you a copy of the file through PM if possible, Its really hard to explain unless face to face for me.
Answer #5
OK I understand what you are doing.
You are dragging B and C down based on the last 2 rows so Excel does a continuation and creates 25 news rows of B and C.
You are then highlighting these new cells only and dragging right.
So why are you only dragging down 25 rows? Why not just drag down 100,000 rows from the start?
In fact, why not drag down for B to M in the first place instead of restricting to only B and C.
Answer #6
florflor replied: OK I understand what you are doing.
You are dragging B and C down based on the last 2 rows so Excel does a continuation and creates 25 news rows of B and C.
You are then highlighting these new cells only and dragging right.
So why are you only dragging down 25 rows? Why not just drag down 100,000 rows from the start?
In fact, why not drag down for B to M in the first place instead of restricting to only B and C.

I actually didnt really even think about it. Its actually for my work and I was told how to do that, and any other way would screw it up. I’ll try doing that now, it wont screw up the data, correct?
Answer #7
No it shouldn’t do. To be honest, I’m not sure why you don’t just drag down all the columns B to M in one go. It would likely have the same effect though I’m not 100% on that, depends on the data.
Dragging quick in Excel is easy though you often overshoot.
Answer #8
florflor replied: No it shouldn't do. To be honest, I'm not sure why you don't just drag down all the columns B to M in one go. It would likely have the same effect though I'm not 100% on that, depends on the data.
Dragging quick in Excel is easy though you often overshoot.

Yeah it actually did skip numberrs and screw it. It went from 100 to 376 in some cases. Is there an auto correct thing I could use to make it even out to the orignal data?
Answer #9
It’s hard for me to tell without seeing the actual data, that’s the problem. Excel extrapolates based on patterns that it can identify in values or formulas, but I don’t know what your data is.
Answer #10
Im not really sure either, I was just given that method with the data presented.
Answer #11
However, I did figure out instead of dragging 25 rows, I could drag a few hundred and keep the data in tact. So thank you for that lol
Answer #12
No problem. Hopefully you can figure out a better way. Then keep it secret from your boss and milk the free time you gain from it as much as you can!
Don’t tell them how, cuz trust me bosses don’t care and will give you more work to do. Gotta look after yourself!


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