Anyone get Search Engine Optimization for their site?

April 11th, 2022

Was it worth it? How much did it cost you?
Answer #1
I didn’t pay for it on my site. I just got myself some back links and my topic is one that doesn’t have much competition. I also used keywords on the site. It’s on the first page of google when you look it up
To be honest though, I think I just got lucky.
Answer #2
Was it worth it? How much did it cost you?
Depends on several factors,
1. Your niche competition. – If you are competing against top end stores like amazon then its very hard to rank your site. 2. Your target keywords. – If your keyword is competitive then its hard to rank at the top. Long tail keywords are easy to rank.
3. Quality and optimization of your website. – You need certain amount on on-site SEO optimizations (Like meta tags, keywords, Unique quality content, titles etc)
4. Age of your domain. – The older the domain better. If you have EMD (exact matching domains) its a lot easier to rank (Depending on competition)
Was it worth it ? Yes but on a long term basis. Imagine you are selling a product ‘weight-loss program’ and if you are in top 5 in Google for keyword ‘weight loss’ you might drive significant amount of traffic. (Which ends in sales) and you won’t spend lot of money on advertising. It will be an organic sale and your lead cost will be very low compared to pay per click ads. Most of all its a long term solution so don’t expect a quick ranking anytime soon.
Cost ? It depends on the scale of your campaign and how competitive your keywords are. Back links are a major factor in ranking but if you dont know what ur doing you could get hit by a penalty from Google and lose ranks. There are easier way to (Black hat) cheat ur way into rankings but at some point you will get kicked out of Google. If you follow good white hat methods you will gain good rankings and unlikely you will lose the place. If you keep building links then you will hold your rankings for a long time. Once you rank your top keywords your long tails will rank automatically. You can push some social media into it and Bingo I can help you out just shoot me a PM if ur interested


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