3D Scanners

July 9th, 2017

Hello everyone!
I have a question, I am looking to buy a 3D scanner with atleast 2 Axis and precision level of around the 3-10 micrometers (0.003-0.010 mm) at a resolution of around 1280 x 1024.
I am looking for a scanner for dentistry use, but I am not looking to buy a scanner that was design only for dentistry because the prices are too high!
What do you think guys?

Answer #1
Get a loan?
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Answer #2
it´s a matter of principle, the possibility to use a different type of scanner for the job.
Answer #3
Can you send me a link with the scanner so I’ll know what do you mean? My brother is a dentist but doesn’t quite get what you are referring to. Is this for resin work or….? I know some things about peripherals, if you send me a link I might be able to find you a cheaper alternative. Also, you can lease stuff too, that’s an option too.


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