1 Question to WBB

August 18th, 2013

Hello Community,
I just want to know that can i make a post that contain clickable links? If possible then how?
Please reply me as soon as possible

Answer #1
U cant do that.
U can only code links
It’s the rules. Always code links
Answer #2
No you cannot.. You have to use links here .
Answer #3
Like others have said… you must add links into CODE…
Answer #4
It seems to be normal for 10 people to answer a question with exactly the same answer – probably just to get that one extra “post count”.
So here’s my answer, which is the same as all the rest above.
You can’t have “Clickable Links” here at W-BB.
You have to use the CODE tag.
Answer #5
You can’t, but I can install script to be clickable for ME.
Answer #6
no you can’t
just use the CODE tag
Answer #7
Ashleyuk1984 replied: It seems to be normal for 10 people to answer a question with exactly the same answer - probably just to get that one extra "post count".
So here's my answer, which is the same as all the rest above.
You can't have "Clickable Links" here at W-BB.
You have to use the CODE tag.

HOTLINKS are not allowed here
Answer #8
Most peeps use an add on like Linkification in their browser, so they can just click on the link to go to the url.
Another post, another important point as shown here..
Answer #9
Lilium besides being a link checker, works for clicking links.
Answer #10
No mate only code the links like,


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