How do you put text on the videos/movies you encode?

October 18th, 2013

Is it AviSynth or some other program? I use Megui but I’m not sure what has to be done for that…..
Answer #1
Adding an overlay to a video you plan to share on WBB?
Do us all a favor, and go share your advertisements somewhere else.
Nobody wants to watch a video with your link on it, I hope I can speak for everyone there.
Answer #2
I really can’t recommend you hardcoding it directly into the file itself, that’d make a lot of people annoyed since no one wants to see adverts during their entertainment time.
I’d recommend using something like .srt(subtitle) files instead like most other groups do, it can be disabled and isn’t a major annoyance.
Answer #3
SmAsHeDr replied: Adding an overlay to a video you plan to share on WBB?
Do us all a favor, and go share your advertisements somewhere else.
Nobody wants to watch a video with your link on it, I hope I can speak for everyone there.

After all the shares I’ve given out, you think I give a damn about something like that? LOL. No..I’m still encoding and dishing out rare material as always. Was doing that long before you ever came here. No..this is for other matters and since I’m FINALLY getting the hang of Megui, I want this step explained. I wonder if Ultrascorp and the rest of the 300MB team had to deal with this kind of hostility. Hilarious.
I really can't recommend you hardcoding it directly into the file itself, that'd make a lot of people annoyed since no one wants to see adverts during their entertainment time.
I'd recommend using something like .srt(subtitle) files instead like most other groups do, it can be disabled and isn't a major annoyance.

No..I would never do that to a movie I personally encode. I get annoyed when I DL stuff like that too but I’m talking about for other things that have nothing to do with movie uploading. Just the skill..the measure it takes to get it done. Nothing more. This question shouldn’t be this difficult to answer.
Answer #4
mate here is a simple photo tut that i made for even i use megui to encode(and no,i use subs only 1% of the time)so if you havent found a solution yet,then this is for you
1.create a .srt file with the content as
00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:24,400
How are ya!
00:00:24,400 --> 00:00:44,400
just fine

the txt can be change acc to your needs..the time format is hh:mm:ss etc.
then when creating avisyth script in megui
use this

thats that
Answer #5
Thanks…I’ll play with it today.


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