Need help with my math project

August 2nd, 2016

Ok so like , i have this math project thats due in 2 days… And i wud like to know if you can help me with what these terms mean How to determine formulas from a table or set of numbers. Polynomials :adding and multiplying Factoring polynomials using the X Factoring the difference of two square Factoring special polynomials without the X Laws of exponents :Mulitplying/dividing same bases power to a power Negative eexponents , how to simplify to postive exponents. How to calculate a linear equation given: two points on a line a slope and a point a table of calues parallel and perpendicular lines definition of and how to calulate if your are given the equation y=3x+8 Points of intersection : what does it tell you How to calculate P.O.I with substituion , elimination , graphing. How to calculate and read a line of best fit How to determine if data is a function So if you can help a poor guy out by telling me what these terms mean and how they can be used and stuff Thnx
Answer #1
I don’t think anyone is going to do your homework for you, you can google pretty much EVERY single one and find out for yourself.
Answer #2
“Polynomials :adding and multiplying ”
while adding group similar terms i.e. terms with same degree
and multiply as if its another big equation.. nothin special
“Factoring polynomials using the X ”
see if something can be taken out in common.. there are lots of possibilities
“Factoring the difference of two square ”
(a^2 – b^2)=(a-b)(a+b)
“Factoring special polynomials without the X ”
again lots of possibilities to cover..
“How to calculate a linear equation given:
two points on a line”
where (x1, y1) , (x2, y2) represents the 2pts.. the logic is any point on the line will have the same slope..
“a slope and a point”
again the same logic..
“parallel and perpendicular lines definition of and how to calulate if your are given the equation y=3x+8”
parellel lines => slope is equal => ay= 3x + c (a, c are some constants)
perpendicular lines => (m1)(m2)= -1 => ay= (-1/3)x + c
“Points of intersection :
what does it tell you
How to calculate P.O.I with substituion , elimination , graphing.”
y=ax+b; y=cx+d;
substitute for y in 1st eqn using the 2nd eqn;
=> cx+d=ax+b
subract the equations;
=> ax+b – (cx+d)=0
plot 2 or more points for the given eqn and then extend.. u willget P.o.i.
Answer #3
yea, i agree with


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