Forum making

August 5th, 2016

Hey, I am trying to make a forum site like .org and I just wanna know which forum hosting website is the best in terms of:
– flexibility
– space
– bandwidth
I just don’t wanna start again when I find better hosting than the one I am using now.

Answer #1
Here’s some steps for you to follow, that will allow you to have practically unlimited flexibility, that is if your website abides by the hosts TOS.
Okay well, the most easy way to achieve your goal of flexibility, space and bandwidth for a forum.. Is to buy a domain and host it with someone.
Most people can afford a couple dollars a month.. So I’m gonna guess you can too. :3
1.) Go to
2.) Look for a domain you would like.
3.) Get a “Personal Class” or “Personal Class Pro” hosting package with your domain.
(Arvixe provides the domain you wanted for free, as long as you are getting them to host for you)
4.) Download a forum software (e.g PhpBB, Vanilla)
A larger list:
5.) Copy it to the web server, input your details, play around with the website backend (Mmmmh, that’s some goood Cpanel. )
If you want an extensive tutorial on how to install said software, use Google to find an answer.
Good luck!
Edit: I’v personally been using Arvixe to host my websites for years. Their customer support is very helpful. Merry Christmas~
Answer #2
thanks for your help.


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