RapidShare premium help

August 5th, 2016

Hi all,
I will be getting a RapidShare premium account soon. Do you still recommend getting RS or is really not a popular (and good) as it used to be? I have seen a drop in the amount of RS links all over the internet so I’m wondering if there’s a better alternative that you could recommend?
Also, what should I use to download the multiple RS links. Should I simply use RS’s download manager and what are the alternatives? Can someone explain why I should maybe use download managers and what exactly that they are? How do I input multiple links in these download managers? I am using Chrome right now but I can ofcourse switch if it’s worth it.
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
theres always IDM and Jdownloader as much better alternatives and coming to RS premium you better buy only a month and try out cos as you say drop in links so if you dont find many you can just switch into another in the next month
Answer #2
theres always IDM and Jdownloader as much better alternatives and coming to RS premium you better buy only a month and try out cos as you say drop in links so if you dont find many you can just switch into another in the next month
all right thanks. how exactly do you input multiple url’s though into the download managers? do they have that feature built in and which one would you personally recommend? thanks
Answer #3
Jdownloader is good just copy all links and auto start in download manager just enter your login details in Jdownloader first or works fine for free user aswell
Answer #4
ok looks good. may i just ask what site u guys use? rapidshare or something else?
Answer #5
Hate RS i use Megaupload and Hotfile but its upto you
Just be carefull which version Jdownloader you get heard some are in Turkish language only
Answer #6
theres always IDM and Jdownloader as much better alternatives and coming to RS premium you better buy only a month and try out cos as you say drop in links so if you dont find many you can just switch into another in the next month
all right thanks. how exactly do you input multiple url's though into the download managers? do they have that feature built in and which one would you personally recommend? thanks

you should install IDM, integrate it into your Browser, restart your browser,enter your account details in IDM, then select the multiple URLs you need and right click and select Download with IDM
for more info refer to this topic
Jdownload can be a memory hogger sometimes My personal opnion is go for either Hotfile or Fileserve
Answer #7
Best option is J downloader
Answer #8
Moved from Helpdesk to Off-Topic.
Answer #9
Go for hotfile, lots of files over the internet.
Answer #10
Go for hotfile, lots of files over the internet.
thanks for the advice guys! i did some research today before deciding to go with rs/hf/fs and i found out that is full of rs and that u can find pretty much anything u need, also for older movies for example. the problem with hf/fs is that they only have recent movies/uploads not many 10yr+ old movies.
also a lot of hf/fs files are taken down after a while. hf/fs users, what do u think about this? thanks!
Answer #11
sry double posted accidentally
Answer #12
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.


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