Losing hard drive memory ?

August 4th, 2016

My partition called “D” shows that has 37.2 GB
Inside i have 2 folders.
World of warcraft – 28.9GB at the minute (patching right now)
Mozilla Firefox – 30mb or something like that.
I have only 6 GIGS left. Where is the rest of my memory ? Like 7-8 gigs thrown away?
I think i did de-frag this partition a while a go. Im NOT SURE! Any chance if i did and re-do it again so i get my space back.?

Answer #1
Could be a few things. Page file, system restore or etc
Answer #2
6GB free means you’re missing? 1.4GB in space, not 7 or 8.
Grade school FTW.
Answer #3
What OS are you using?
Answer #4
I would say its the page file or recovery files/partition more so probably the page file.
check your virtual ram Right click 'My Computer' >> Properties >> Advanced TAB >> under performance section go to 'Settings' >> Advanced Tab >> under virtual memory check the Total paging file size for all drives: (should have a number here probably around your missing GBs)
Answer #5
Also, defragging does not create new empty space, it makes the existing empty space more contiguous.
Answer #6
if its only whole hard drive this is on then its normal because you don’t get the whole GB size the HDD says you get, for example, my 640GB hard drive only gave me like 596GB.
if its a partition then there might be some hidden files or folders.
Answer #7
Well, a Hard Disk doesn’t have ‘memory’ as your header says, it has space.
If you unhide all hidden files you will see all that is on your HD. As someone already said, system restore could account for a lot of it (that is a hidden file).
Answer #8
if its only whole hard drive this is on then its normal because you don't get the whole GB size the HDD says you get, for example, my 640GB hard drive only gave me like 596GB.

This doesnt apply because hes not comparing it to what the manufacturer says but what the OS is reporting.
Answer #9
Im using Windows 7


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