PSP Complete Newbie Here!

August 8th, 2016

So I’m getting a PSP for christmas, probably a second-hand refurbished one. Will they (the people at the shop) be able to tell which firmware is on the PSP? Assuming yes, which version numbers can the firmware be in order for me to NOT have to buy additional things like Pandora or any other games to downgrade to 1.50/upgrade to custom firmware? Whew! Hope that paragraph made sense.
And will I need to have a UMD in the drive to run my ISOs on the memory stick? This kind of thing is daunting, especially when the PSP is going to be a gift, because I have no clue if I’ll have to go out buying other things and if I’m stuck with no money and a PSP that won’t run downloaded games, what’s the point?

Answer #1
If you are buying a second hand one, probably it may have a custom firmware. Ask the people in the shop to downgrade it to 1.5. From 1.5 you would want to download some custom firmware from the net. Do not install any sony official firmware. It not as good as the custom ware. I have 3.52 m33-4 and you dont need a UMD or fastloader on it. Just paste the iso file in the iso folder and play!!! Its played all games i have put on it so far. You can check the firmware on your psp by going to Settings->System settings->System Information.
I the firmware differs from slim psp to fat psp. Any more questions?
Answer #2
Yes, I forgot to ask. Will an 8gb memory stick duo work with the PSP?
Thanks btw!
Answer #3
On and get a 2GB or 4GB memory card, DON’T stick with a 1GB mem card its, some games are like 1.5GB and i can’t run them. If you don’t have money and you just happened to get a psp with a official firmware then, you can make your won pandora’s battery. The only problem is you make a pandora’s battery you need another psp with a custom firmware or 1.5.
Answer #4
Yes, I forgot to ask. Will an 8gb memory stick duo work with the PSP?
Answer #5
Yes, I forgot to ask. Will an 8gb memory stick duo work with the PSP?

Lol that didn’t help. I read somewhere that it won’t, so I was just asking in case! On and get a 2GB or 4GB memory card, DON'T stick with a 1GB mem card its, some games are like 1.5GB and i can't run them. If you don't have money and you just happened to get a psp with a official firmware then, you can make your won pandora's battery. The only problem is you make a pandora's battery you need another psp with a custom firmware or 1.5.
Then there would be no point, I could’ve just bought the one with the custom firmware to start with. Right?
Answer #6
No sweat even if you have a psp with a firmware less that 3.5 there are software on the net which can downgrade it without pandora’s battery. Only if you have a firmware >3.5 then you need pandora’s battery to downgrade. Oh, bdw pandora’s battery is an anti-bricker i.e if you download the wring software and it messes-up you psp the pandora’s battery will always restore it back to normal.
Answer #7
No sweat even if you have a psp with a firmware less that 3.5 there are software on the net which can downgrade it without pandora's battery. Only if you have a firmware >3.5 then you need pandora's battery to downgrade. Oh, bdw pandora's battery is an anti-bricker i.e if you download the wring software and it messes-up you psp the pandora's battery will always restore it back to normal.
Wow! It sounds like the only bad thing about Pandora’s battery is that you have to buy it. Thanks for your help! I’ll just know not to get a slim PSP because they are hard to downgrade apparently.
Answer #8
Oh, and you still didn’t answer my memory stick question.
Answer #9
The mem card wont be a problem since yo have 8GB thats good.
Wow! It sounds like the only bad thing about Pandora's battery is that you have to buy it. Laughing
Thanks for your help! I'll just know not to get a slim PSP because they are hard to downgrade apparently.

Dued you can make a pandora’s battery you dont have to buy it. The only problem in making it is that you must have another psp which has a custom firmware or a 1.5 firmware.
Answer #10
The mem card wont be a problem since yo have 8GB thats good.
Wow! It sounds like the only bad thing about Pandora's battery is that you have to buy it. Laughing
Thanks for your help! I'll just know not to get a slim PSP because they are hard to downgrade apparently.

Dued you can make a pandora's battery you dont have to buy it. The only problem in making it is that you must have another psp which has a custom firmware or a 1.5 firmware.

I wouldn’t trust myself to modify the battery anyway, i’d probably ruin it and waste $100 in the process. I’m only asking about the memory stick because I know for a fact that some downgrading doesn’t work with ms over 4gb. If it’s going to stop me from doing other things, I might as well just get a 4gb one instead.
Answer #11
Your wish man, if you feel unsafe then do that. I mostly keep my games on dvd whenever i want to load 1 i just copy it directly on my psp and play. Anything above 2GB is great.


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