Outlook 2010 – PST file size and mail deletion issues

September 22nd, 2013

ok I am quite frustrated now, got a 7 GB PST file ( ok dont laugh on me or say that I am an idiot having that big of the PST file )
have deleted like 7000+ duplicate mails now, but the PST file size just wont decrease now, its killing me to reduce the size of deleted mails, and keep the PST at once place, as fortunately I dont have any issues using the huge file ( except this size issue )
I deleted those mails and the size went up from 7.49 GB to 7.5+ GB to my surprise… whats happening ?

Answer #1
I have had this issue back in 32-bit XP days with the max file size problem.
Have you tried a restart since you cleaned out your mail?
Did Google have any related issues? I am willing to bet they do!
PS: I recommend dumping that M$ junk for Mozilla Thunderbird:
Answer #2
NO I didn’t restarted my PC, though used CCleaner to clean the used disk space for temp activity etc…..
actually I do not see the logic here with mail deletion and that too above 5-7000 mails.
and still the file size going up than coming down as I had huge duplicate mails.
– duplicate removal tools
– permanently delete all deleted items
no success till now
– trying Compacting now, seems to be working as it has got down the size from 7.5 GB to 6.20 GB and process ran for 2 hours ( still going on and almost only half done ) fingres crossed.
I somehow agree to your statement when you say that M$ piece of junk. Its to my surprise why we need to compact a file ? when we have already deleted the the mails in conjunction to reducing the space, logically the size should itself go down as I already deleted it permanently so as I was suspecting like windows the PST files also keep their recycle bin concept other than Deleted items folder…. guess WTF is this lol
UPDATE : after 3 hours nearly, the size has come down to 5.76 GB now after compaction progress of like 60%…. seems to be working now…. just while this is on the run thought to search the need for Compaction and found this link : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/289987 read the title of the page carefully… makes me laugh lol, still didn’t restarted the pc
Again, was reading on Compacting / PST file size and mail deletion, to my surprise of what I was guessing is actually correct
http://ask-leo.com/why_isnt_my_outlook_pst_getting_smaller_after_deleting_emails.html , seems like PST files do have a recycle bin concept as windows, just in case you can recover deleted mails as I suppose….hmm kinda of ah…what to say… lol its a MS product afterall haha


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