Internal Laptop Extension Cable?

July 23rd, 2023

Hey guys, i’ve taken apart my laptop and am trying to install the screen somewhere. my goal is to stick the laptop a few feet away (hidden) and just keep the screen permanently attached somewhere. My problem is that of course the internal cable is far too short for such a task. I was wondering if there was an extension cable I could buy to help with this. Here is a link to the picture of the cable. It has 20 pins on both the top and bottom:
I have googled up laptop connections and come across terms like LVDS and TTL but none of those seem to look like my connection. Can anybody help me at all? Thanks.

Answer #1
I haven’t heard of a extender, but a thing to consider is to split the cable and then solder small wires onto each one and make your own extender…Sorry for no being much more help…
Answer #2
What Cybot says is pretty much the only viable solution. A serial cable like this is safe to cut up and manually extend.


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