help with an internet question

January 26th, 2020

Hi guys i have a question “and im guessing its going to sound really dumb “but i just wanna no if its true or not”
ok i was told that you can have 2 different internet providers on one telephone line “is this true” meaning my dad has telstra bigpond and i want TPG internet “can we both have 2 different internet providers on the one land line”

Answer #1
you could if you ran a 2nd phone line through your house which can be quite costly. I dont think its possible to have 2 ISP’s on one line though. You’d be better off finding an ISP package that suites you better.
Answer #2

�zN_�ber Leet wrote: Select all

you could if you ran a 2nd phone line through your house which can be quite costly. I dont think its possible to have 2 ISP’s on one line though. You’d be better off finding an ISP package that suites you better.
I think the Same!
Answer #3
I think a Single Telephone Line is provided by a single provider.
However, you can have multiple lines & Multiple Providers.
But Remember, You can only use ONE ISP at a time for a Single PC.
So I think you have to choose an ISP Which suits you better
Answer #4
i have about 5 phone points in the house i might just use one of them as my own line if thats possible
Answer #5
Why not go wireless with 1 ISP
Answer #6
i have about 5 phone points in the house i might just use one of them as my own line if thats possible
having 5 phone sockets in one house doesn’t mean you have 5 different phone lines. They are still essentially connected to the main phone line. Anyone can connect a main phone line to a home phone socket.
Answer #7
i have about 5 phone points in the house i might just use one of them as my own line if thats possible
This does not mean you can connect 5 ISP’s BUT You can SPLIT your main connection into 5 Logical Connections (Mirrors). I.e you can access main connection from 5 sub connections.
@ �zN_�ber Leet:
Answer #8
Lol I don’t think u can hav 2 Internet providers on one line