reached my rapidshare limit

January 25th, 2020

I have downloaded a little over 25gb, will I be able to download tomorrow, or have to wait 5 days?
Oh and I use Flashget to downlaod 6 files at a time, will this make Rapidshare thinkm I’ve downloaded more than that.
“Please notice that due to the nature of the TCP-protocol and the fact that some download managers are poorly designed, its possible that your download logs show more traffic than you have evidently downloaded.” -RS

Answer #1
Well I think you’ll have to wait 5days (read the RS Rules) …
Answer #2
hmm i think everyday the account will decrease few GB
Answer #3
I dont have an rs account buth i thought you geth the gb that you have download 5 days ago.
example: day 1, 1gb download
day 2 , 0gb download
day 3 , 2gb download
day 4, 1gb download
day 5, 21gb download
so that you have tomorrow 1gb download after 2 days still 1 gb(if you already havent downloaded) and after day 3 3gb


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