Any way to sell rapidshare premium accounts ?

January 29th, 2020

hey everyobdy ihave alot of points in my rapidshare account
I have 5 such similar accounts do you know where to sell these accounts ???
thanks in advance

Answer #1
Well, somewhere else. It’s not allowed to sell anything here.
Answer #2
Answer #3
iam not selling here iam just asking where to sell i even didn’t write the price.
thanks lottdod for your help
Answer #4
Give me one for free…if you can….
Answer #5
i really need money so iam selling them sorry shaifali
Answer #6
Why not eBay?
Answer #7
i made atopic on ebay today and waiting replies thanks for your help but is there any other suggestions
Answer #8
Selling, offering or asking money for any help or service is not allowed. Trading is also not allowed, as of Oct 16, 2008.
~ hecos ~

Answer #9

__v1rg0__ wrote: Select all

~ comment removed ~ hecos
Selling/Buying is not allowed on these forums. PM him.
Please do not mini-mod. We would like to encourage and thank our members to use the report button but not add their own criticism.
~ hecos ~

Answer #10
u can try selling them @ digitalpoint
Answer #11
thanks all for your help so appreciated