How is my gaming system for todays standards?

August 2nd, 2013

I bought the computer feb 2009, currently it’s broken because water spilled into the fan i think it killed the motherboard, i’m going to get it checked out later this week.
how are the stats should i consider upgrading for WoW I would like to play at medium/high graphics, it’s been awhile since i used the computer I’m not sure how well it will play WoW.
Processor: Intel core i7 910 2.66GHz (Quad Core)
Motherboard: EVGA x58 3x SLI (intell x58 chipset)
Memory: 3GB DDR 1333MHz Corsair Dominator DHX
Video card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 286 1GB

Answer #1
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Answer #2
Pretty good, just buy a bit better graphics card.
Answer #3
when i bought the computer it had to be 3gb ram i think it was because windows?
is this still an issue can i upgrade to 4gb?
Answer #4
Your system uses triple channel ram.
So for an upgrade you should add another 3 x 1GB sticks of the same type to give you 6GB.
You also need a 64bit operating system in order to use all the ram
If you have 32bit Vista atm, then up it to Windows 7 x64.
Best of luck re any damage, it would be a shame if your quite upmarket system is broke!
If spillage happens, the most important thing to do is remove all power straight away.
Then you can get into it and dry things out…A hair drier can help there..
Look for any corrosion and plug things in and out to make sure connectors are dry.


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