Safelinking is taking too long to respond?

September 5th, 2013

Can anyone please get the links from this~
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Link(s) coded. -digztytwo

Answer #1
What file do you need.. I think it’s best that you simply look for direct link (Safelink looks kinda down to me)
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Answer #2
reekhibros9594 replied: Can anyone please get the links from this
Boycott Safelinking all together!
Safelinking sucks man, you need to find a post that does not use it.
In the future, you can use this site to see if a website is up or down.
Answer #3
I don’t think safelinking sucks, it’s just down more recently than not.
Might be due to the upgrade they did but it does help keep links alive a bit longer than just posting them all “willy-nilly.”
Answer #4
SmAsHeDr replied: reekhibros9594 replied: Can anyone please get the links from this
Boycott Safelinking all together!
Safelinking sucks man, you need to find a post that does not use it.
In the future, you can use this site to see if a website is up or down.

It doesn’t suck, it’s just a good service that NEEDS to be improved with better uptime.
Answer #5
rg_kales replied: SmAsHeDr replied: reekhibros9594 replied: Can anyone please get the links from this
Boycott Safelinking all together!
Safelinking sucks man, you need to find a post that does not use it.
In the future, you can use this site to see if a website is up or down.

It doesn't suck, it's just a good service that NEEDS to be improved with better uptime.

Answer #6
Here you go:

SmAsHeDr replied: reekhibros9594 replied: Can anyone please get the links from this
Boycott Safelinking all together!
Safelinking sucks man, you need to find a post that does not use it.
In the future, you can use this site to see if a website is up or down.

Completely disagree with you on this one. It is a good service, and I don’t mind using it if it helps the uploaders in any way.
Answer #7
Jus copy the safe links in jdownloader
Answer #8
rajnusker replied: Here you go:

How did you get this links when the link is password protected, and reekhibros9594 didn’t post any pass for this.
Answer #9
I rate a link referrer based on its uptime. For the last few months its been down quite a bit, and when all the links you need are on safelinking, you cant get any of your links.
If the service would improve its uptime, it would not suck =/
La Grenouille replied: I think a 95% Up-time for a FREE SERVICE is completely reasonable, don't you?
No, not really =/
Answer #10
SmAsHeDr replied: I rate a link referrer based on its uptime. For the last few months its been down quite a bit, and when all the links you need are on safelinking, you cant get any of your links.
If the service would improve its uptime, it would not suck =/

I disagree completely. Today’s outage was what, ~8 hours? Let’s say it’s down an average of 8 hours each week. That’s 32 hours a month.
There are 24 hours in a day, and for arguments sake, let’s just use 28 days in a month (so you can’t say the numbers are padded). This works out to 672 hrs/mth.
So 32/672 = 0.0476190476, or roughly 5%.
I think a 95% Up-time for a FREE SERVICE is completely reasonable, don’t you?
Answer #11
DraZenFILJE replied: rajnusker replied: Here you go:

How did you get this links when the link is password protected, and reekhibros9594 didn't post any pass for this.

When I found that it requires a password, I copy/pasted the safelink url on Google and clicked Search.. the very first result gave me the password.
SmAsHeDr replied: I rate a link referrer based on its uptime. For the last few months its been down quite a bit, and when all the links you need are on safelinking, you cant get any of your links.
If the service would improve its uptime, it would not suck =/

For a free service I wouldn’t complain.


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