ISP changer…

August 3rd, 2016

I’m looking for a free way to change my isp. When I say isp I don’t mean ip, so don’t send me to a proxy site. They just won’t cut it.
Answer #1
Sorry for double post but also note that I have dialup, not sure if that’ll help or not.
Answer #2
Umm, you want to get a new Internet Service Provider?
No real free way to do that, cause you have to ring up the company and order the modem and ~love~ and get a plan with them.
Besides, since you have a dialup modem, you cant expect to connect to ADSL.
However if you are on say ADSL2+, and you get capped, you can connect to someone elses wireless router, and then use there net, but you cant do that on dial up sorry.
hope i helped.
Answer #3
I mean like mask it or change it. I need to get around an isp ban.
Answer #4
That sounds like a Subnet IP ban…
Answer #5
That sounds like a Subnet IP ban...
What’s that? Also I’ve already tried proxies so I really don’t think it’s an ip ban.
Answer #6
You want to change your ISP? Just get a disk from someone, or find their dialup settings somewhere on the net. Do the same as you did when you set up the internet to begin with, just with a different company!
Answer #7
ISP on dial up can’t be changed…..ever, you have to ask ISP to change it OR switch to different ISP… there’s no way to bypass that ISP when you’re connect to that one.
there’s few free dial up ISP somewhere, but they do have a lot of drawbacks themselves…


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