Bank Sayin I Have Money, But Not Letting Me Take Out.

August 3rd, 2016

I have money in my bank. But my bank statement online says I cant take any out. It says nil.
But how, ive got nothing else going out all bills are paid. As anyone else had this trouble. Ill ave to go into the bank i assume today.

Answer #1
Lol you answered your own question . Call your bank to discuss it or go there.
Good luck!
Answer #2

kyuubi92 wrote: Select all

Lol you answered your own question . Call your bank to discuss it or go there.
Good luck!
Yes sir , naturaly some payments in and out are not instantly reflected online.
Ring them as advised.
Answer #3
have you seen the margaritaville episode of southpark…. they invested you money in funds and lost it…. i bet… talk to your bank
Answer #4
dont know about your on line bank but with mine any change in total balance will all ways be shown along with all transactions to that state so if it said 0 balance the list of transactions would shown when and how it got there !
get in contact asp