computer issue

August 5th, 2016

recently put a new hard drive in a old hp pavillion 304w & now when i boot up and try to defrag or anything else it shuts down & restarts automaticly.
anyone have some trouble shooting ideas for me about this?

Answer #1
so it boots and works fine ’till you do one of those operations ?
open disk mgt and post a screenshot
into a run or search box
Answer #2
so it boots and works fine 'till you do one of those operations ?
open disk mgt and post a screenshot
into a run or search box

tring that now, thanks… its running awfuly slow also, to open ANY program, i try to update my virus prtection and it shuys down & comes right back on
Answer #3
it shut down
Answer #4
new hard drive
brand new, or new to you ?
how did you partition it ?
Answer #5
new hard drive
brand new, or new to you ?
how did you partition it ?

partition it ?? dont know what that means….its a hdrive from another computer, its also saing something bout my VIRTUAL memory & the memory in it should be upgraded, thanks FOR THE HELP ISSUES cause i am lost w/out you guys thanks..
Answer #6
try to format the computer and than partition.
partition mean making another drive. like c: drive and making it into 2 drives.
C: and d:.
Answer #7
try to format the computer and than partition.
partition mean making another drive. like c: drive and making it into 2 drives.
C: and d:.

on it now, i hope it works, again i realy do preciate all the help, thanks folks..
Answer #8
yo, this h/drive is 7.5 gb, that make a difference?
Answer #9
this h/drive is 7.5 gb, that make a difference?
shouldn’t make a diff
but a drive that small just partition it all one drive, you don’t need to split it in 2
Answer #10
this h/drive is 7.5 gb, that make a difference?
shouldn't make a diff
but a drive that small just partition it all one drive, you don't need to split it in 2

i am sorry but can you tell me where to go & split into two? thanks
Answer #11
it’s to small to split
even full XP won’t install on 3.75 gig drive
you just need to create a good partition
Hiren’s BootCD has partition apps on it
Answer #12
it's to small to split
even full XP won't install on 3.75 gig drive
you just need to create a good partition
Hiren's BootCD has partition apps on it

would i just be better off to buy a NEW h/drive?
if so what would you suggest?
Answer #13
think you need an IDE drive (not SATA) if it’s an older PC
you have a place/site you buy PC parts from ?
Answer #14
think you need an IDE drive (not SATA) if it's an older PC
you have a place/site you buy PC parts from ?

just found out the h/drive came out a old windows 98 me
Answer #15
windows 98 me
windows 98 “or” me
that’s why your crashing, you have drivers for the wrong hardware installed you have a CD drive connected ?
Answer #16
windows 98 me
windows 98 "or" me
that's why your crashing, you have drivers for the wrong hardware installed you have a CD drive connected ?

internal & external, what i do now?
Answer #17
do you want to save 98/Me
or install a copy of windows XP
Answer #18
do you want to save 98/Me
or install a copy of windows XP

somehow i added a copy of xp on it & got tuneup utilities also & its defraging fine BUT i dont want this to be a quick fix, i dont want to have to deal with anyother issue in the future, so with that said what would you suggest for me to do? i preciate ALL the help you have been giving to me
Answer #19
did you clean install XP or install over 98/Me
during install did you delete and recreate the partition
if not at this screen hit “D”
it's image 1.5 here

after deleting the partition
when you get back to that screen hit “C”
Answer #20
did you clean install XP or install over 98/Me
during install did you delete and recreate the partition
if not at this screen hit "D"
it's image 1.5 here

after deleting the partition
when you get back to that screen hit "C"

i put xp over 98/me…1 more question, what is VIRTUAL MEMORY??
Answer #21
Virtual memory is a computer system technique which gives an application program the impression that it has contiguous working memory (an address space), while in fact it may be physically fragmented and may even overflow on to disk storage (swap/page file).

in effect it’s a large file on your hard drive
eddy woodweb
30 WBB Lane
Information Highway
Cyberland, CO, USA 55.55.555.55
Answer #22
Virtual memory is a computer system technique which gives an application program the impression that it has contiguous working memory (an address space), while in fact it may be physically fragmented and may even overflow on to disk storage (swap/page file).

in effect it's a large file on your hard drive
eddy woodweb
30 WBB Lane
Information Highway
Cyberland, CO, USA 55.55.555.55
thanks for the help, my man, have a merry xmas!!
im going to have some questions for you after xmas if thats ok?
Answer #23
if thats ok?
it’s OK only if I know the answers !
Answer #24
if thats ok?
it's OK only if I know the answers !

another question.. is they anyway to recover the original hard drive that came with this computer? its a 40gb & like i said bout the other, it is just crap wont hold but mabye 2 or 3 programs..or is the priginal just shot?
Answer #25
can you connect it to the PC as a 2nd drive to check it and re-partition it ?
Answer #26
can you connect it to the PC as a 2nd drive to check it and re-partition it ?
ok, have them both on, now what? im sorry to ask so many questions
local disc-c
hp pavillion- e
hp recovery – f
Answer #27
hp pavillion- e
hp recovery - f

run a check disk on both those partitions (e & f)
right click each disk and select properties then tools
hit check now and tic “auto repair”
and leave “scan & recover” blank
do you have data on those partitions you need to recover ?
Answer #28
hp pavillion- e
hp recovery - f

run a check disk on both those partitions (e & f)
right click each disk and select properties then tools
hit check now and tic "auto repair"
and leave "scan & recover" blank
do you have data on those partitions you need to recover ?

naw, tring it now, preciatecha.
Answer #29
if they check out OK you can either delete & recreate the partitions or just delete the stuff off of the existing partitions
Answer #30
if they check out OK you can either delete & recreate the partitions or just delete the stuff off of the existing partitions
removed a few trojans.. the ” stuff” you said i could delete what you mean?
Answer #31
the " stuff" you said i could delete what you mean?
files & folders
if you found trojans i’d delete the partition just to be safe
Answer #32
the " stuff" you said i could delete what you mean?
files & folders
if you found trojans i'd delete the partition just to be safe

ok, the patition you talking bout is that what they will be named?
Answer #33
ok, the patition you talking bout is that what they will be named?
“hp pavillion- e” is what it’s named now, you can name it anything you want after recreating it
Answer #34
ok, the patition you talking bout is that what they will be named?
"hp pavillion- e" is what it's named now, you can name it anything you want after recreating it

plz bare with me, how do i recreate it? delete it all?
Answer #35
in a run box put
select the correct drive & partition and right click it
select “delete partition”
right click it again and select “create partition”
more info here
Answer #36
in a run box put
select the correct drive & partition and right click it
select "delete partition"
right click it again and select "create partition"
more info here

ok, i deleted it but its gone so i cant right click on it again to create it
Answer #37
nevermind i recreated it, can i now unhook the h/d i was using outta the win/98
now or what should i do… the reason i am asking is i dont want to screw this up
you have helped me so much & it fells good to me knowing i am actualy learning something that i had no clue of doing until you came & was willing to help with no complaints, again my friend, THANK YOU!!
Answer #38
depends what you want to do with the new partition? do you want to install Windows on it?
Answer #39
depends what you want to do with the new partition? do you want to install Windows on it?
yes i do
Answer #40
you can’t screw it up so bad you can’t re-start the process
disconnect the “win98” drive
and install to the new partition the same as you did the “win98” drive and see how it goes
Answer #41
you can't screw it up so bad you can't re-start the process
disconnect the "win98" drive
and install to the new partition the same as you did the "win98" drive and see how it goes

thats what im doing now, everyone thank you so much for your time & patience, ill come back & give a update when this is finished..
Answer #42
ok, everything is all good now BUT it loads up & right b4 the main screen comes on nothing shows up on the screen, i have to reboot in ” VGA ” mode then i can see everything like it should be, what can that be?
Answer #43
flat screen monitor ?
in “VGA mode” put
into the run box
the go to “settings” tab and see what’s installed
it may be a refresh rate or screen resolution issue
under advanced/monitor be sure it’s set to 60Hz
Answer #44
good grief, im tring to install avg & this INTERNET SECURITY 2010 keeps poping up, its a trial version & i cany remove it for some reason & i have looked on here for the program to see if i could just find a key to activate it but cant find it, what is the problem?


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