I need more storage space.

August 7th, 2016

I currently have a desktop PC with 4 HDD in it (1 250gb, 2 500gb, and 1 1tb) and well, out of all that space only about 400gbs are still free scattered across the 4 HDDs and its disappearing rapidly. So my question is what the best way to add more storage to my PC besides upgrading the 4 HDDs to 1.5tb or 2tb drives.
And I’d like to avoid external HDD like the WD MyBook and stuff because they die way to quickly.
Now I’m probably not going to use any solution soon because I will most likely upgrade all the HDDs first and add a 5th maybe 6th HDD but I just want to be prepared for when all the drives are full and can’t be upgraded anymore.
Which might not take as long as you think because when you have a RS, MU, and MS account (two of which let you DL as much as you want) and an ISP that couldn’t care less about your downloads never stopping you can fill a HDD within days if not hours.
btw with my current Internet plan, I can download up to 1900gbs a month if I download non stop but the most I’ve downloaded in a single month is just under 600gbs.
also if it could be cheap enough I would even consider building a second PC for just storage purposes because a lot of the files I have are “.iso” which I keep because they are useful to have around when everybody you know and everybody they know consider you the go-to guy if you need something fast thats a little out of your price range. but it would have to be cheap like under $300(excluding HDD) because the reason I’m the go-to guy is because I don’t charge anything if you provide the storage media(CD,DVD,USB,etc.)

Answer #1
I like your way of doing things. The exact same thing I would’ve done if I had a decent download/upload speed. And you answered your own question, you can upgrade you HDD’s with a 5th with the biggest storage space available. Not sure about building a whole new PC just for storage purposes. There’s like a 10 TB hard drive you can get instead. Pretty expensive though. Also a NAS would be helpful. Just use the money you think you want to use to build a new PC to buy a NAS or a huge HDD
With your price range, I don’t think you’ll find any huge storage drives though.
Anyway, Good luck!
Answer #2
you have stated the only feasble answer continued upgrade of drives as you dont want externel and as its for when you cant add any more drives I used to collect software like that but as much of it outdates quicker than you fill the drive I dont keep much now just get the latest as needed instead
Answer #3
Thanks for the help. but…

kyuubi92 wrote: Select all

I like your way of doing things. The exact same thing I would’ve done if I had a decent download/upload speed. And you answered your own question, you can upgrade you HDD’s with a 5th with the biggest storage space available. Not sure about building a whole new PC just for storage purposes. There’s like a 10 TB hard drive you can get instead. Pretty expensive though. Also a NAS would be helpful. Just use the money you think you want to use to build a new PC to buy a NAS or a huge HDD
With your price range, I don’t think you’ll find any huge storage drives though.
Anyway, Good luck!
I have thought about the NAS before the only problem I have with them is the price and I’m worried the transfer rate would be slow. I mean for $200 you could build a PC that can hold atleast 6 drives and then its only ~$100 for each 1tb HDD so about $800 for a 6tb PC compared to some of the $1200 5tb NAS plus a PC is upgradeable where as NAS not so much. I have also thought about just building a server but I wouldn’t know where to start with that idea.
you have stated the only feasble answer continued upgrade of drives as you dont want externel and as its for when you cant add any more drives I used to collect software like that but as much of it outdates quicker than you fill the drive I dont keep much now just get the latest as needed instead
Yea the only problem with the newest version is usually the only people who actually use the newest version while its still the newest version are pirates because we’re the only ones that can “afford” to upgrade as soon as its possible.
In high school I had an engineering class and we used AutoCAD. Well out of the 22 PCs in the class about 10 had 2004, 5 had 2007, and 7 had 2008.
the ones that had 2008 only had it because I personally installed it on those 7 PCs. and the sad part is that they actually had the install for 2008 but didn’t install it because the IT guys where too busy. its also kind of sad when the teacher had to come to me to get a version of 2008 because the school wouldn’t give him the install cds so he could upgrade the program himself.
Answer #4
Why not put your data on disks then delete it from your hdd?
Answer #5
Why not put your data on disks then delete it from your hdd?
1tb divided by 4.7gb = 218 DVDs
even more if I just burn each iso to its own disc plus that would require me to keep track of all those discs.
Answer #6
From your experience with HDD’s, ever saw a HDD with a platinum logo on it?
Also, I’m looking to buy a new internal/external HDD because my 500GB one is dying on me. (ROCK HDD). So which do you recommend? Looking for something around 1-2TB of space. And thanks for any suggestions.
Answer #7
Upgrading your hard drives is the most feasible way I guess. Or if you got a decent upload speed you can use online storage like Adrive.
Answer #8

kyuubi92 wrote: Select all

From your experience with HDD’s, ever saw a HDD with a platinum logo on it?
Also, I’m looking to buy a new internal/external HDD because my 500GB one is dying on me. (ROCK HDD). So which do you recommend? Looking for something around 1-2TB of space. And thanks for any suggestions.
No i have not seen one like what you described. for internal I would recommend hitachi that who makes my 1tb drive and It has worked well for me so far.
or i would recommend seagate or freeagent because out of my external drives it lasted the longest. but still less than a year.
Answer #9
Upgrading your hard drives is the most feasible way I guess. Or if you got a decent upload speed you can use online storage like Adrive.
surprisingly my upload speed suck greatly even though I have a pretty awesome download speed for how much it costs.
does anybody have any ideas about a home server(a real one not those HP thing.)