Free Mcboot Game Swap problem

August 12th, 2013

Well, tried it and it didn’t work…
I did everything right:
I have MGS 3, which is listed as working on the FMCB website.
I made an ISO, replaced the NETDOWN.ELF in Apache with the renamed freemcboot.elf that came with the tutorial, ( I did rename it to NETDOWN.ELF.)
Did all the resizing first, re-sized the ELF to 915196, replaced it, etc.
Burned with DVD Decrypter, half speed (max seemed to be x16, so I burned it at x8,) etc.
I set the usb stick up and inserted it before I swapped discs.
Here’s what happened: I swaped the discs out at the main menu and selected the “Special,” option.
The PS2 seemed to not even recognize the disc, it stuttered up and down the disc before returning to the center, and displayed the little “Can’t find disc,” icon in the upper left hand corner and just stayed at the blank “Special,” menu.
Am I doing something wrong at some point?
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
Got so much help here, thanks!


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