[SOLVED] Removing everything of PC,

August 4th, 2016

Hey I bought a computer custom built. I installed Windows Vista on it and Now I am returning the computer so I need to completely remove the Vista so its like a brand new PC.
How Do i completely remove the vista so the next customer buys it has to install int. I have tried lots but can’t find. Step by step would be nice.

Answer #1
well easiest way is to use a partition manager and erase all partitions
can be done with acronis disk director suite (create a boot cd) or with gparted
but easy isnt always best,while it will get the job done,the data could easily be recovered
so wiping is the better solution that way no one will be able to recover your private data
use east-tec disoposesecure for that wit the bruce schenier algtoithm , theres also dban
which is free but it does only 3 passes however that should be good enough too,wiping will take
alot more time,few hours at least but its more secure as already said ^
Answer #2
put the hard drive in a toaster
does it have private files on it? if so, the yes, you should do a secure wipe to get rid of them. if it’s just vista and apps, then a simple format will be OK.
either way, just download a boot disk like Hiren’s or similar, and start the machine with the disk in the drive. go from there.
Answer #3
Darik’s Boot And Nuke will do the job http://www.dban.org/


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