Intel Core i3 did has 4 Core Processor?

August 19th, 2013

Yesterday, I view Device Manager of my friend’s laptop and see there are 4 CPUs under Processor driver. Is it real that Core i3 CPU has 4 cores inside?
Answer #1
It is a dual-core processor with HT (Hyper-threading) enabled.
Answer #2
If it is 2.0 GHz CPU, the total processing speed is 4.0 GHz or 8 GHz?
Answer #3
HT is a virtual core. It can handle 4 thing simultaneously, but not as efficiently as a quad core.
Answer #4
FrozWing replied: If it is 2.0 GHz CPU, the total processing speed is 4.0 GHz or 8 GHz?no its still only 2ghz.
Answer #5
With your explanation, did you mean the total processing speed is still 4.0 GHz with above example? This is another problem, can a process execute in multiple cores?
Answer #6
FrozWing replied: If it is 2.0 GHz CPU, the total processing speed is 4.0 GHz or 8 GHz?
Lol. It will remain a 2.0Ghz, the speed won’t multiply with cores or threads!
Answer #7
One core 2.0 GHz, so two cores will be 4.0 GHz. Am I correct?
Can a process execute in multiple cores?
Answer #8
FrozWing replied: One core 2.0 GHz, so two cores will be 4.0 GHz. Am I correct?
Can a process execute in multiple cores?

No, it will remain 2.0Ghz no matter how many cores are there. And if you are asking will a process work with multiple cores, then Yes.
Answer #9
FrozWing replied: One core 2.0 GHz, so two cores will be 4.0 GHz. Am I correct?
Can a process execute in multiple cores?
over multiple cores at 2ghz.
if you have a bike with two wheels going at 5 MPH do you achieve 10mph? no.
Ghz is the frequency. 2 cores at a 2 ghz frequency is not a 4ghz frequency.
Things don’t work like that.
Answer #10
With your explanation, 2.0 GHz CPU are 1.0 GHz Core x 2. Am I right?
Is a process execute in multiple cores called HyperThreading Technology?
Answer #11
FrozWing replied: With your explanation, 2.0 GHz CPU are 1.0 GHz Core x 2. Am I right?
Is a process execute in multiple cores called HyperThreading Technology?

No it’s two cores both are at 2ghz. at no time is anything at 4ghz.
2 X 2ghz cores = 2ghz
4 x 2ghz cores = 2ghz
6 x 2ghz cores = 2ghz
Hyperthreading add a virtual core to each core.
So it’s still only one core but the computer sees 2 cores and sends information down 2 threads for processing instead of one. but it all only goes into one core.
This doesn’t really make things faster, only a few apps benefit from hyperthreading.
Answer #12
If each are 2.0 GHz, then the combination should be 4.0 GHz. Is it logic?
Answer #13
FrozWing replied: If each are 2.0 GHz, then the combination should be 4.0 GHz. Is it logic?
If a car has 4 wheels and all the wheels are turning at 10mph does that mean the car is really going 40mph?
That’s bad logic.
I don’t know how to make it any more simple for you too understand.
Though ghz and speed like mph are not the same, i just used the example to give you a idea.
The frequency will always be the same over all cores. they can’t add up to give a higher frequency.
Answer #14
FrozWing replied: If each are 2.0 GHz, then the combination should be 4.0 GHz. Is it logic?
Wow. I still can’t believe you couldn’t get it, jock_juffalo has already told you in the easiest way. Try reading his posts once more.
Answer #15
If Dual Cores CPU running in 2.0 GHz, It would be slower than a Pentium 4 running at 3.0 GHz. It doesn’t make sense, does it?
Answer #16
It makes sense.
It will be running at a lower frequency than the Pentium 4 but how much work gets done is not determined by frequency.
Example. a 2 core AMD phenom 2 with 2 cores at 3ghz will be slower than a core i3 with 2 cores at 2.5ghz.
More advanced cores get more work done per clock cycle.
Don’t worry about it if you don’t understand. Just accept it.
Answer #17
FrozWing replied: With your explanation, 2.0 GHz CPU are 1.0 GHz Core x 2. Am I right?
Is a process execute in multiple cores called HyperThreading Technology?

Dood, each core runs at its own speed (which is normally the same as the other core).
You got 2 cores, and they each run at 2 GHz. These cores are separate, so you cant add core speeds together.
Basically if your floating down a river and you got 2 rivers flowing at 10 MPH you wont go at 20 MPH, you will pick a river to go down, and go at 10 MPH.
Have you ever heard of Google?
Answer #18
I think the way I write out is logic. Higher GHz should execute faster. I don’t think old Pentium 4 3.0 GHz CPU is faster then current generation CPU like Dual Core 2.0 GHz.
Answer #19
p4 is not faster.
but your logic is wrong and you don’t understand how CPU works.
this is why you think the way you do.
more ghz does not mean faster CPU.
Answer #20
unless they are the same CPU at different speeds
Answer #21
1 core – unicycle = one job at a time, a lot of sharing of cpu time
2 cores = a motorbike, you can steer AND power-drive up a hill = tow programs can run on each core, or better sharing of cpu time.
4 core = 4 wheel drive = four powered wheels on the ground = 4 programs at once, or one program using 4 separate cpu cores to run various parts of it (eg, a game.. core 1 – friendly AI, core 2 – graphics set-up, core 3 – enemy AI, core 4 – general program bits.
HT = hyperthreading = sort of like having a turbo charger on the four wheel drive, not quite like 8 wheel drive, but better in many cases then 4 cores alone. (a core is both integer and floating point, HT is generally integer only).
6 or 8 cores = military 8 wheel drive, big guns and 8 powered wheels, blowing all sorts of ~love~ up!!
You don’t add the speeds up.
If you have two cores running at 2GHz each it doesn’t equal 4GHz, it equals TWO programs running at 2GHz each (a single core can me thought of as one running at 2GHz, or two running at 1GHz each (not really, but for this example it works).
Your cpu is 2 core, each core has a HT element to it which alllows it to do both floating point AND integer calculations at the same time – counting down a timer in whole numbers AND plotting a mandelbrot image at the same time.. with EACH core.
Answer #22
FrozWing replied: I think the way I write out is logic. Higher GHz should execute faster. I don't think old Pentium 4 3.0 GHz CPU is faster then current generation CPU like Dual Core 2.0 GHz.
Think of it like gears..
The older cpu has a lot of gears, the last one is running really fast, but doesn’t get a lot done because of the lenght of the gear train (lost effort).
The newer one has a shorter chain of gears, the last one runs slower, but the actual output if higher because there is less loss of effort.
In cpu terms, the newer one is more efficient, it runs it’s internals faster because of the quicker internal chains.
The older one has slower internals, so needs to run faster to achieve the same work (actually, it achieves less work, but you know what i mean..).
New cpu: Input – work – work – work – work = job done
Old cpu: Input – work – work – work – work – work – work – work – work = job done
Answer #23
If a car has 4 wheels and all the wheels are turning at 10mph does that mean the car is really going 40mph? A better example would be: to have four trucks carrying 2 tons each at 30mph. The trucks all reach their destination at the same time but there was four times as much load carried with four trucks instead of one.
Answer #24
-paroxysM^ replied: If a car has 4 wheels and all the wheels are turning at 10mph does that mean the car is really going 40mph? A better example would be: to have four trucks carrying 2 tons each at 30mph. The trucks all reach their destination at the same time but there was four times as much load carried with four trucks instead of one.
That was a better example than my long-winded ~lol~..
Answer #25
-paroxysM^ replied: If a car has 4 wheels and all the wheels are turning at 10mph does that mean the car is really going 40mph? A better example would be: to have four trucks carrying 2 tons each at 30mph. The trucks all reach their destination at the same time but there was four times as much load carried with four trucks instead of one.I liked smashers river that splits better.
add logs to the river lol
Answer #26
jock_juffalo replied: -paroxysM^ replied: If a car has 4 wheels and all the wheels are turning at 10mph does that mean the car is really going 40mph? A better example would be: to have four trucks carrying 2 tons each at 30mph. The trucks all reach their destination at the same time but there was four times as much load carried with four trucks instead of one.I liked smashers river that splits better.
add logs to the river lol
Potatoes pohtahtoez poohtat0z.
Answer #27
hahahaha jock you have the patience of a saint! froz return your friends machine before you break it.
ps froz if you have 1 real girlfriend and 1 virtual girlfriend your only gonna get 1 blowjob mate


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