Whats a better movie-audio mixing Application than WMM?

August 4th, 2016

^In case you were wondering, WMM Means windows movie maker^
So, reecently (hell, not recently, more like a couple of years back), Moviemaker has been crashing latley, much to my despair. So now, i am looking for a better software to use than that, and i was wondering if you guys could help So, any Applications?

Answer #1
come on! i really need this people!
Answer #2
ZOMG Dosent anyone here know any better soft than Movie Maker? Please guys, this is begining to get REALLY annoying
Answer #3
“ZOMG” lmao
Answer #4
Adobe Vegas
Shut up and be nice to the guy… you are NOT helping him with that
Answer #5
THanks, I’ll search for it
UPDATE: I cant find any software named Adobe Vegas – Should i be able to, or not?


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