Internet Connection Quest?

January 23rd, 2020

well i use 4gb limited adsl connection
now i will change it to an unlimited one, cheers :mrredhat: i and a friend of mine in the other floor will pay it together
he has a modem and i also have one
here is my question :
do we have to buy a modem that allows at least two pc to connect at the same time?
is it ok if we connect these two modems of ours to the telephone line i use so our modems can be separate, working freely from each other? we both have splitters.

Answer #1
most wireless routers have modems inbuilt
in the same thinking, you could set up a router to handle both those modems from the main telephone line.
are these all cabled? or wireless?
Answer #2
both are cabled modems whats a router
cant we just connect these two cabled modems two one line
Answer #3
With one telephone line you require a multi port router (typically 4 ports) then cabled to both of your PC’s. Or if you don’t mind wireless you can get a wireless router and connect both PC’s wirelessly which would be easier than installing ethernet cables from the router to both of your buildings/PC’s.
I would not recommend using a modem, get a router as they offer far more protection from people accessing your PC’s.


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