Malware/Rogue Anti-Virus from Warez-BB

August 24th, 2013

Has anybody become infected with Malware & Rogue Anti-virus software after visiting this site? I’m a regular of this site and never had any issues, but I have had to run ComboFix after every visit to this site for the last few days. Could it be some kind of exploit in one of the advertisements?
I’m curious if anybody else has had this issue recently after visiting this site, or if it is some kind of persisting infection that coincidentally appears after/while visiting this site.
The malware appears to be part of the Windows 7 ‘Action Center’, and then appears during the launch of any executable.
I am not downloading any cracks/keygens. I have only downloaded .mkv files during my visits to this site, so I do not believe it is related something I have downloaded from here.
Any help would be appreciated.

Answer #1
make sure you are downloading from a reputable poster. if you get any videos that say they wont work and you have to go download a different player those are usually bad news. i’m on here daily and have had no problems.
win 7 cracked from warez-bb
opera 11.6 with adblocker extension
avira free
malwarebytes cracked from warez-bb
cant remember the last problem i had with a virus its been so long.
Answer #2
I’ve never had any problems either.
I always scan, just in case, though.
When you find a virus, make sure you notify the mods straight away
and post, that it is a virus in the thread, so that the people that come there,
don’t download it, while the mods are taking it down
Answer #3
You won’t get any malware or whatever for surfing warez-bb. You will get them if you download something that is infected. Is this case, report the topic in question.
Answer #4
I have been getting java based viruses from warez. I think it is from the ads on top of the pages. I stoped them from loading by removing Java from my computer. I have had them try to load just doing a seach so you can get them that way. I wrote Warez about it a week ago and never got a reply. So just uninstall Java and you will be safe until they decide to fix it.
Answer #5
Use Adblock Plus to disable the ads and use Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware to run a Full System Scan in Safe Mode (F8)
Answer #6
I don’t get any virus from this website. If you’re downloading stuffs make sure you read the feedbacks.
Answer #7
I’ve disabled the ads here with my firewall as there is too much cross site scripting going on.


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