[SOLVED] PC Problem – URGENT Help required!

October 5th, 2013

PROBLEM SOLVED! SPECIAL THANKS TO |Leader| and :ultimatestuff:
I own an nVidia 9400GT 1GB card. Not too long ago the graphic card's fan almost broke in half [There are three cracks on it]. So I bought this ATI Radeon 6670 1GB GDDR5 but it turns out I need a wattage of 400W or more and my Power Supply unit says the max is 250W. My friend suggested I either purchase a 450W or a 600W. So are they cheap? That's my first problem.
My second problem is that my computer can't seem to handle more than 2 gigs of RAM. I own a Transcend 2[/b]GB DDR2 RAM stick and it works perfectly. Today I bought a Dynet 2GB DDR2 RAM stick and at first when I put it in, it worked. Later when I turned on my computer it didn't seem to work. I've tried everything switching RAM slots, making sure it fits in properly into the slot in the right position; but nothing seems to work.
I have no idea what to do and right now I'm running my PC without my graphics card. I'm not usually the type to panic but I'm pretty much getting worried right about now and I would really appreciate if one of you could reply as soon as possible. You have no idea how grateful I would be.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Answer #1
u can check power supply cost from google..
and ur system is not supporting 2gb ram .
i think for that u have to upgrade ur motherboard..
which motherboard u r using.??
confiugration plz..
Answer #2
I’m not entirely sure. Is there anyway to check that other than looking at the manuals and stuff. Cause I bought the system somewhere in 2007.
Answer #3
can u tell Me your Mother Board Model No?
Answer #4
Like I said, I bought the system way back in ’07. I have no clue about the motherboard’s details. If there is anyway to check it I will definitely look into it. I’m gonna start being like a total noob and ask you if the motherboard model no is specified on it? If it is where can it most likely be on the motherboard?
Answer #5
which OS u r using??
nd what about ur hard drive?
Answer #6
Zero9127 replied: Like I said, I bought the system way back in '07. I have no clue about the motherboard's details. If there is anyway to check it I will definitely look into it. I'm gonna start being like a total noob and ask you if the motherboard model no is specified on it? If it is where can it most likely be on the motherboard?
just go start – run – type – dxdiag
u can see your Mother Board details.
Answer #7
|Leader| replied: Zero9127 replied: Like I said, I bought the system way back in '07. I have no clue about the motherboard's details. If there is anyway to check it I will definitely look into it. I'm gonna start being like a total noob and ask you if the motherboard model no is specified on it? If it is where can it most likely be on the motherboard?
just go start - run - type - dxdiag
u can see your Mother Board details.

or u can use system information for that
Answer #8
EDIT: Details are no longer required.
Answer #9
your Mother Board 4GB ram Supported. problem issue on SMPS. try with another 500W SMPS.
Answer #10
Awesome. My main idea is to make the graphics card work smoothly and RAM secondary. It will make my Graphics card work right?
Answer #11
Use smps 500w or+
Hopfully you will run graphics card with good ram
Answer #12
I’m definitely gonna do that. Thanks again for your help.
Problem solved!
Thank you so much |Leader| and :ultimateStuff:
Without you guys I would have been lost and confused and struck with panic.
Thanks again guys.
Have a nice day!


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