Cracking TomTom North_America_805_1801 Map

August 8th, 2016

Am I the only one who noticed “North_America_2GB-12.meta” is not included in that release, but “North_America-12.meta” instead? Cracking this map is impossible this way and renaming the meta to North_America_2GB-12.meta doesn’t work as the TomTom will crash when attempting to load the map (well, it did for me).
Up-to-date keygens with multiple meta’s in their list don’t support North_America-12 either.
I have googled for hours and all I have seen is the same release (also on W-BB), including the wrong meta or with the wrong meta code supplied, depending on how you want to look at it.
So in short: I’m either looking for a meta code that works with North_America-12.meta or a release that really includes North_America_2GB-12.meta.
Really need some help here! Did anyone get this map to work? If yes, please tell me how.
Update: In this topic ( dirtyharry posted the meta code for this release. I’ll try this out in a bit and for those who are interested, I’ll post back here to keep you updated.
Update 2: Works! Thanks dirtyharry. So for everyone who wants to use this release, use the following meta:
; North_America_805_1801
A9 DC 71 FF A1 9E 34 91 63 45 F1 5B EE ED 75 AE North_America-12.meta

Answer #1
I am glad you solved your problem. But please add [Solved] in the topic title. Thanks
Answer #2
How and where do you use the meta code?


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