Recover Space from MBR?
August 2nd, 2016
check if it’s portioned with a 200gb size, maybe there are 250gb un-partitioned and not being used
How would I do that?
use partition magic it should show you unalocatd space then expand your existing partion to include the unalocated or to set up another partion using the unalocated space
Partition Magic doesn’t work with Vista.
However, Vista has it’s own partition manager. I tried it, and it doesn’t show up as unallocated space.
Not quite sure whats going on, BUT, GetDataBack for NTFS by Runtime Software has been a life saver for me in terms of data recovery.
I cant remember if its free, but i probably got it from here anyway
Use Hiren’s BootCD for Partition Magic or GParted Live CD …. both have partition tools ……. just BOOT from CD
try to use acronis disk director suite 10… it can create and delete partition without destroy the files in other partitions.