Making a Quiz Game

August 8th, 2016

Hi everyone.
I was just wondering if someone could give me an hand.
The thing is that I want to develop a sort of quiz-game for school but I don’t know how I can make it.
I wanted it to display one question at a time, to have one button in order to go to the next question when that one is already answered and, the most important of all, to be able to display, at the end of the quiz, a sort of evaluation based on the number of questions the person got right.
So, if someone knows of a program or a way of doing that (if it involves programming, the software and language) tell me and get your 52 virgins while you’re still alive!
Thanks in advance

Answer #1
I haven’t done anything for the forum in a while, so if you want i’ll do this for you. If you want i can write one in java for you. In order to run it, you’ll need the java runtime environment from sun microsystems.
Do you want this to be a multiple choice quiz or an actual answer based one?
Answer #2
:O Thanks a lot !
It’s a multiple choice quiz.
However, i still haven’t got the questions and the answers, but if you could just make the interface and tell me how I can introduce them in the middle of the java lines, I can make it.
It will be 15 questions with A/B/C/D answers.
Tell me the information you need and I’ll be pleased to give it to you.
Btw, have a great new year with your 52 virgins.
PS: Thanks again!
Answer #3
Not a masterpiece, but it works:
In the zip file, there is an executable jar file (open with Java Runtime Environment) and a folder called “Questions”. There are some demo questions here that will help, but here’s an explanation anyway:
Create a set of .txt files and put them in lexicographical order in the order you want them e.g.
‘1.txt’, ‘2.txt’ …
‘ay.txt’, ‘better.txt’, ‘creak.txt’…
The text file is set out thus:
<Question asked> (on ONE line)
<Which number option is correct> (1, 2, 3, 4 etc)
<Option 1>
<Option 2>
etc (no limit, except screen size, but you'd need about 50 options :))

Once your quiz is sorted, open the Quiz.jar file and you’re off!
Download (11k – no pass)
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/80407157/Quiz.rar
Java Runtime Environment from here:
Answer #4
Thanks a lot!
I’ve already tested it with the questions and etc and it’s working perfectly.
The only question I still have is if it’s possible to turn the “program” interface to something like this:
Is it?
Thanks again!
Answer #5
meaning you wnat to enable using pictures as options, as well as an option to have a picture as part of the question? or you want it to look more pretty?
Answer #6
Both things.
The point is to make the program seem more atractive for the person who is viewing it.
So, I wanted to make the interface look like that, mainly the buttons.
Then, if it’s possible, to introduce an image as a part of the question. Although, this is not strictly necessary.
Answer #7
um, ok, but you’ll have to give me a bit more time. if you’re willing to do some of the GUI attractiveness yourself, i can give you the source code as well. i’m dealing the logical issues at the moment… but the images will take more time to tweak and tune.
Answer #8
I can handle with all of the interface related subjects, such as the button and images to be displayed.
I only don’t know where they shall be introduced in the source-code. If you could specify on it where the image code must be introduced in order to produce some effect, it would be enough.
Hope having explained myself well.
Thanks again.
PS: Don’t worry about the time. You’re the one who is helping someone else.
Answer #9
OK, i’ve set it to display pictures, and it looks ok now that i’ve changed the question font and background. should be ok
Like last time, see the Questions folder and example images as to how to set up the file. I would recommend that the pictures displayed as options are small (20×20 max), the other image will resize itself. I’ve set it so that when the options are images, you just click the image.
Example question file:
Line 1: Question
Line 2: %IMG%<image path (relative or absolute) OR any other text here if no image, so long as it doesn't start with %IMG%
Line 3: Option number
Line 4 - ?: Options as text, or if an image - %IMG%<image path>

Download (22k – images make a lil it bigger)
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/80565043/Quiz.rar
Answer #10
Hum… This is getting cool
But, I think I’ve not explained myself very well.
The buttons like the one in this image (soz for bad quality)
would work has check boxes. So, when people click on them, they check and, when clocking on another option the other would uncheck. I’ve already have the images of the boxes. I don’t know how it shall be done but I believe it’s possible to make it.
Furthermore, after the programming is over, I’d like to change all the interface of the program if it isn’t to hard and doesn’t require much time spent from you, such as adding an initializing screen only with an image and to make an environment of the program during the questionarie being just like the one in the image (except those buttons over the dark brown bar).
In the end, the user would be able to get a “rank message”, according to the number of questions they got right, like this
0-3 : <message>
4-7 : <message>
8-10: <message>
11-13: <message>
14-15: You must be GOD!

Then, we should get an eye on design stuff.
(If you don’t bother)
PS: If you think I’m abusing, tell me ’cause I think you already have done a great job and have been a big, big help to me.
PSS: And again, don’t worry about the time.
Answer #11
i am working on design stuff, this takes a while so will reply again when done. i also have other projects going at the moment so i don’t know how long it’ll be. when do you need this by?
Answer #12
No problem.
I’ll need this until the end of January/mid of February.
If you nedd pictures or something like that related to the design of the program, dont exitate to tell me.
And thanks again!
Answer #13
Java programme..
Answer #14
hey dude, i have sorted out the button issues, but if you want more impressive UI, i’ve included the source code. look at the java LAF libraries
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/83998473/Quiz.rar
Answer #15
thanks for the J program i can run this on Jcreator right?
Answer #16
yes, you can, or just double click the java executable file (so long as it opens with the JVM)
Answer #17
Thanks. But, I don’t really understand the difference between this and the last version.
I’ve noticed that there is one more folder but I still don’t know how and where I shall insert the buttons images.
If you could give me some hints…
Answer #18
the button images need to be done in the source code. this one just allows you to have an image as an option, not the actual radio button. for the actual image, you’ll need to set the icon image and icon pressed image to the ‘for’ loop where it creates new JRadioButtons using the methods:
public void setIcon(Icon defaultIcon)
public void setPressedIcon(Icon defaultIcon)

But, as i said in my previous post, if you want to change the look and feel of the application, look at the java LAF libraries – this is a very personal thing, and I personally like the way it looks.
Answer #19
LAF libraries - this is a very personal thing, and I personally like the way it looks.
But, what are those LAF libraries? And how can I edit them?
I’m not a pro in java as you can see. lol
Answer #20
this will be able to explain better than I ever will:


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