I need help remote-desktoping

January 23rd, 2020

I’m currently in the library at my school and very bored.. I’ve tried remote-desktoping into other computers (including the one beside me) by using an exact IP address, a Novell User Name, changing my username to Administrator and Login Name, but nothing seems to work. The server appears to be LIBRARY 007\Users.. but I could be mistaken (sometimes it tells me it can’t find the computer, I change some stuff around and it says it can’t connect). I’ve checked the settings on “My Computer” properties for “Remote” and I should be able to connect under Login Name and Administrators (although it says I should have a password to connect)
Any idea what’s wrong? (sorry I don’t have an image host for the screenies )
Thanks, Teh Robot

Answer #1
This belongs to Helpdesk. Reporting.
Answer #2
Are the PC’s definitely using RDP instead of another remote program?
Can you ping the other PC’s?


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