Can Rapidshare downloaders be caught for downloading?

January 23rd, 2020

Does anyone know if users can be caught for downloading copyrighted material of rapidshare? therefor be sued ?

Answer #1
They shouldnt be, the least that will happen is what your ISP will call you asking why they detect a high bandwidth usage coming from your home. In that case just tell them you were downloading a patch or something then theyll bugger off…
Answer #2
yep. if you download from rapidshare you will not be sued.-the worst that would happen is rapidshare would get closed down but even thats pretty unlikely.
Answer #3
and what are the chances for uploading illegal stuffs.
heard that the chances for dirty movies are smaller? is that true?
Answer #4
That what i was wondering I have ATT and they said they were going to start to moniter incomming and outgoing traffic, I wanted to change to COMCAST but I heard they are doing it do.
Answer #5
I’m only uploading it in a university building(belgium) -> no download and upload limit.
can I get caught?
Answer #6
You have a better chance of getting in a car wreck, hit by a lighting bolt, or eaten by a shark, then downloading off rapidshare. Rapidshare takes illegal content of thier site and they are against , so they could be considered a legit company, and don’t worry because rapidshare is providing the download they will have to face the music if anything happens at all.
Answer #7
I think your ISP will only limit your bandwidth but they will not sue you.
Answer #8
yea but it is an uni network (no limit) and I have to log in with my student number to connect.
And im worried about uploading, not downloading
Answer #9
in Turkey people can’t use programs without license or movies, mp3 etc… however they can not control personal computers so if you use this illegal programs at home go head, but don’t download or upload anything at work it is too risky fees are kind of high!..
Answer #10
thx for the info, So download but not upload.
risk of upload is maybe a bit too high
Answer #11
Doesn’t Rapidshare offer SSL uploads with it’s software??


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