Alcohol 120%, UltraISO or WinMount?

January 22nd, 2020

I was wondering which of the three programs, Alcohol 120%, UltraISO or WinMount support a larger amount of files to be read/mounted/extracted/etc…
I came across a couple of files within the last half hour that I had to use two separate programs for to access… So, I was wondering which one out of the above three has the largest repertoire in accessing/reading different image file types.
Just for the record, the files I came across recently were:
– .BIN (I used a converter program found on w-bb to access the contents)
– .ISZ (I am yet to use anything actually… This is why I have started this thread.)
Thank you to everyone that helps, from now

Answer #1
i would go for Alcohol with it you can simulate up to 31 virtual drives and it opens any virtual cd files
Answer #2
Thank you for your reply
I’ve added a poll for people to vote as well
It’d be interesting to see what people say.


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