Extract audio and change FrameRate

August 4th, 2016

Anyone know a program to extract the audio from a movie and at the same time convert to 25fps?
I am currently using avidemux but need another.

Answer #1
To change frame rate you could try handbrake. Not sure about extracting audio though.
Answer #2
what format are the files ?
I am currently using avidemux
VirtualDub is similar to AVIdemux and can also “demux” (extract) audio
Solveigmm splitter is another good app for working with videos, and I think it can export just audio
convert to 25fps?
what are you tiring to accomplish doing this ?
converting will degrade the video’s image
Answer #3
Some extension, .mp4, .avi and .mkv.
I found TFM Audio Tool, it works in my computer, but don’t work in RDP with windows server 2008. Anyone knows why?


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