firefox help needed

February 8th, 2020

does anyone know how to fix this problem, i’ve tried reinstalling
i’m used to firefox and i don’t want try another browser

Answer #1
did you uninstall FF & reboot before reinstalling ?
Answer #2
is it some kind of add on ?? if so have a look in there and see if you can delete it
Answer #3
FF is not reading the entire css sheet of w-bb …. nothing to do with FF , it simply stops loading the stylesheet , that may be due to a connection problem from the W-BB Server through your ISP to your local pc …
Answer #4
is not just it does this on every site, but not all the time, it usually fixes it’s self after i refesh the page, but still quite annoying
Answer #5
better reinstall or disable addon .
Answer #6
i said i already tried that in my opening post…
Answer #7
even though you uninstall in windows control panel. there’s still leftover folders scattered throughout the OS for firefox. need to completely get rid of all of the leftover folders to get rid of the problem with FF or at least eliminate it being the problem. also make sure you are deleting all your addons. try uninstalling with REVO uninstaller. you can download the free version here:
As Ed said, make sure you reboot after uninstalling and before you reinstall. If that doesn’t do the trick, run a scan with malwarebytes.
Answer #8
is not just it does this on every site, but not all the time, it usually fixes it's self after i refresh the page, but still quite annoying
Still having this firefox problem? and it does that on every site? hmm.. It could be a dns problem that I read somewhere. You could try using opendns or google’s dns instead of your isp’s default dns server. Try that first and see. opendns.
Have you tried the usual things.. probably eh. -Clear the Cache and Cookies. Tools>clear recent history. Select Time: everything. Check cache,cookies…etc…
-Start Firefox in safe mode to see if a theme or an add on is causing the issue. update add ons if so.
-Create a new profile for firefox.
Well.. That’s the usually way to go to fix things with firefox.
Mine started crashing a while back out of the blue.. first time I ever seen firefox crash.. since using it in over a decade. Started firefox in safe mode after several failed safe mode start up crashes.
Finally went into safe mode and I updated the add ons and it fixed it. wheew.
Weird how it done that.. seems how that I did not update firefox or update or change any add ons before then.
Not the same problem as you but.. just saying that errors can happen for no reason at all. lol


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