search engine tips

January 23rd, 2020

can anyone point me in the direction of some search tips e.g. ” ” and – (not that im sure these do anything on ) basically stuff that will help me get a more refined search.
thank you

Answer #1
I didn’t want to start a new thread for this and be told that one existed, yet I also didn’t want to be told not to bump someone else’s thread… catch 22.
Anyway… I too would like some search tips as I was trying to find “Now You See Me” movie. I launched the search from a post of that same named movie and got zero results, not even the one that I was looking at….
I tried adding a “+” sign as otherwise all of the words would be excluded… nothing.
I tried putting the whole thing in quotes…nothing.
I would even have looked in the main ‘movies’ forum in alphabetical order, but that option doesn’t exist; besides that, most/all threads begin with a bracket, then filehost….
Any/all help will be appreciated.. I’m not really a dummy.
Answer #2
@gene: Read this topic for more information on our search system and how to search for the movie you’re looking for by using its IMDb ID:
Also – please don’t bump old topics, instead make a new topic, or rather for that question, look through the Forum Comments section as that question has been asked many times before and the movie “Now You See Me” has been mentioned in 99% of those topics
Answer #3
‘Once upon a time’ must of had major issues as it had it’s own topic, not sure if it still exists though.
Yes as said, this question gets asked lots of times for those movies or tv shows that won’t show up. Even when you search, there is a tip about using IMDB codes, so not sure why there is still so much confusion.


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