[SOLVED]Compatibility issue

August 4th, 2016

just a quick question guys..
i got a processor here Athlon II x2 240 which labeled in the box socket AM2
and as i checked cpu-z it was labeled as socket AM3
and i also checked google about this… same result AM3
now my station is running with 4GB DDR2 PC800 rams
which is the compatibility of AM2 socket processors..
so my question is.. can I upgrade to DDR3 rams?
my motherboard support DDR3 rams also.. this is my motherboard Asrock N68C-GS FX
will my processor support DDR3 rams? because it was labeled AM3 which DDR3 rams are compatible
and if YES, can a 1333MHz rams would be okay?
thanks guys

Answer #1
You should know better , you know google like the rest of us http://www.asrock.com/support/SupportList.asp?cat=Memory
Answer #2
It’s both AM2+ and AM3, And yes you could upgrade to DDR3, Do keep in mind however
that this particular processor only supports up to 1066 (1333 RAM would work, But it’d operate in 1066 mode)
Also, You CANNOT use both DDR2 & 3 at the same time! Personally, I wouldn’t bother with it, DDR3 is faster of course, But the performance boost would be minimal.
Besides, The x2 240 is very outdated, Maybe you should just save money for a new rig!
Answer #3
i know my processor is outdated T__T
but it is still working and kicking.. so it has been answered…
thanks guys.. i was planning on switching from DDR3 from DDR2
because i got 2 DDR2 sticks died already and in our country
DDR2 rams are mostly expensive and rare XD
thanks guys
Answer #4
Huh? I’m pretty sure I already answered that!
But just in case you missed it:
It does!

Answer #5
i just downloaded the pdf file about the ram compatibility for my motherboard
i haven’t seen 4GB 1333Mhz kingston so does it mean that
my processor and motherboard only supports 2 x 2GB 1333MHz?
because i want to have a 2 x 4GB 1333MHz.. hmmm
@ i just edited my 2nd post above.. XD
i just revisited and reread the specs of my motherboard..
8GB is the max ram it can be supported.. so 2 x 4GB would do..
but i wonder why 4GB 1333MHz was not listed. XD
Answer #6
I have no intention of looking up your motherboard, but as an example my Sabertooth Z77 doesn’t list Kingston Hyper X Beast @2400MHz, but it works like ~love~ off a shovel, does your Mobo have an XMP profile in BIOS (not gonna check, I’ve seen you here often enough and know you are capable of googling stuff).
Answer #7
yeah i have some know how things.. =p
but i’m just so curious that i may need some other advice from here
i know there are very great pc enthusiast here
so this problem is solved.. thank you both of you guys.. just doing some double checking for my doubts.. more power mates!!!!


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