Windows 7 is not genuine ( Already used WAT)

August 19th, 2013

Sup guys I would need your help!
I have Windows 7 I already removed WAT 1 year ago and everything worked fine until now, I got error – > “windows 7 build 7601 this copy of windows is not genuine” and I don’t know how to remove it cause I tried with WAT but it says it is already removed?
May I ask you for some help thank you!

Answer #1
Answer #2
It’s a matter of restoring WAT with WatFix and then installing the loader by DAZ.
Follow the post by Gjoksi…
removewat 2.2.6 use install twice in a row...after second reboot back to normall
No ! Don’t use removewat because to activate properly and to make genuine ,WAT needs to be restored, which is done by Watfix and the Loader.
Best Answer #3
1st Step: WAT Fix
2nd Step: Windows Loader

3rd Step: Revalidate Windows (Use Internet Explorer)
Answer #4
Use WAT Fix to remove the previous activator you installed and use Windows Loader that is in my signature to activate Windows
Answer #5
thanks! need to do this for my netbook
Answer #6
removewat 2.2.6 use install twice in a row…after second reboot back to normall
Answer #7
worked great!
thank you!
Gjoksi replied: 1st Step: WAT Fix
2nd Step: Windows Loader

3rd Step: Revalidate Windows (Use Internet Explorer)

Answer #8


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