Intel Or AMD

August 5th, 2016

Intel or AMD for gaming?
Answer #1
I would recommend Intel…
Answer #2
Intel – more expensive
AMD – less expensive
Both do the same thing, easy to build with, but yeah id go AMD if I built another computer
Answer #3
I prefer Intel… Cool
Answer #4
AMD if you’re lacking funds, Intel if you can afford it.
Answer #5
AMD – Value for money Intel – High end performance is excellent
If you want a really high end PC then go Intel, if you want a PC equally as good as Intel at the mid range but cheaper then go AMD.
Intel charge more simply because they can get away with it not necessarily because they are better.
Answer #6
I would go for AMD
Answer #7
How many threads did you start?
Answer #8
So Intel is expensive than AMD but a bit better


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