TV Shows Encoding Tutorials?

August 7th, 2016

I just got a usb tuner card (Hauppauge) and am trying to encode my TV rips. Is there a site out there that has a good tutorial. Looking for recommendations best video conversion program and what standards people are using (mp4, avi, etc) also size, frame rate, etc. I’m thinking 1.5G for a half hour show is a little too much. Any help appreciated.

Answer #1
Megui and handbrake and other prog. are used for this purpose. search for encoding tutorial in tuts section
Answer #2
I just got a usb tuner card (Hauppauge) and am trying to encode my TV rips. Is there a site out there that has a good tutorial. Looking for recommendations best video conversion program and what standards people are using (mp4, avi, etc)
x264 is what is most wanted these days but some people still like XVids.
Some like the mp4 container and others prefer the superior mkv. You can never please everyone!
You will probably be better off using megui for complete control of encoding.
also size, frame rate, etc. I'm thinking 1.5G for a half hour show is a little too much. Any help appreciated.
Different people want different things, 1080p for people with faster connections and some weigh up file size and go for 720p. Other people with slower connections and/or SD playback want 480p or 576p. Trading off and offering an in between resolution or anamorphic encode. Frame rate is usually 24000/1001 or 25p depending upon source. File size depends upon resolution, frame rate, audio, play time and source complexity ie movement.
You might need to deal with av sync problems so find a way to handle that.
Answer #3
thanks for replies – I think I’m going to start tinkering around with HandBrake and go from there.
Answer #4
Handbrake is good.
Comes with a number of presets.
Basically speaking, reduce the bitrate to reduce file size….(either reduce the constant bitrate size or increase the ‘RF’ number).
This little tutorial is quite good except for the audio where I suggest you use a Stereo mixdown, AAC(faac) codec and a 96 or 128 bitrate..
Answer #5
thought I’d tell you what I do. I use Avidemux & keep most of the defult settings[when you drag you video on in it, it will give you a pop up screen saying something with yes & no click yes]. Change the video [1st drop down box right under video] to MPEG-4 AVC. Under video go to filter & click on Mplayer resize [this will let you change the size of the encode & make it 576p] click ok then close. Change the 1st drop down box under audio to AAC(faac). Then the 2nd box under audio [or configure] I suggest to use the bit rate 128or 96 [I use 80 but I only use my encodes on my laptop with ear buds & it sounds good for me but it may not sound good to someone else].
After that go to Audio filters & make sure resampling (Hz) 48000 is checked. Click Ok.
Then for format I change it to mp4. Then to save use ctrl S/ save video [its the 1st save icon next to the open icon]. I’ve learned with this the encode can be small with great quality . I hope I made this tut. clear for you to follow. If you want more help regarding my tut fell free to pm.


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