cracking RAR password

January 21st, 2020

I found this rar archive in my hard drive and i have totally forgot the password for it. It is an important archive and contains some files that I absolutely need. Is there a way to open that archive? some good brute force cracking apps? Thanks!

Answer #1
I don’t hold much hope for you..
Read this topic:
Answer #2
cross your fingers and google the file name
Answer #3
As above , the filename might be your only salvation via a google search , you could literally be 90 years old by the time brute force methods complete . Or no longer alive .
Answer #4
90 years old? Maybe only 55 if you use the GPU
Answer #5
True enough sir , true enough hahhaha
Answer #6
as said, Google the file name. there’s really no way to “crack” a .rar password, speaking from experience. you’ll be an old man before you crack it, trust me.
Answer #7
If the key is short, and if you remember its size and what characters it contained, you might be able to break it with an exhaustive search. If the key is not too long and if you put several computers on the job you got a slight chance of breaking the crypto.
If the key is over 7 or 8 characters it’s definitely hopeless, look no further. The latest RAR implementations use AES for encryption, and you can’t break it if you only got one encrypted file.


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