Audio through gtx 260

August 26th, 2013

is it possible? It only has 2 dvis but it recognises that im using a dvi-hdmi and has two options, hdmi – hdtv (audio enabled) and hdmi – hdtv (audio disabled). Ive heard that you can get audio through some graphics card by doing this but theres no audio coming out my tv speakers.
Answer #1
I don’t think audio is supported on those early nVidia cards. DVI doesn’t support audio except for on ATI cards.
Does your device manager show any nVidia Hi Def audio devices? Is there a sound output device for nVidia as that is how nVidia enables audio output?
Answer #2
Mighty_Marvel replied: I don't think audio is supported on those early nVidia cards. DVI doesn't support audio except for on ATI cards.
Does your device manager show any nVidia Hi Def audio devices? Is there a sound output device for nVidia as that is how nVidia enables audio output?

No theres nothing like that even when i click show disabled devices. Just speakers and realtek digital output. It seems strange that it would have two options though, audio enabled and audio disabled. thanks
Answer #3
Looks like you need a spdif connection..To get the digital audio from your motherboard audio to the gtx260..
Then select spdif audio from your sound card, and it should be routed via the video card to HDMI and so to your TV.
Lots more if you google “gtx 260 audio output”


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