January 27th, 2020

Something I have been wondering for a while, can video files be read by say a TV via USB and stay connected and used via LAN. I know theoretically it should be possible as data is only being read by the TV via USB but, I don’t want to go out and buy one for it all to end in one big mess!
Answer #1
To be sure I understand, you want to know whether other devices on your network can see and use the USB that is plugged into the TV?
If I got that right, the answer is no. TV firmwares that I know of, do not have a server side. They can only read files from a network or a USB device and play them provided the encoding is one that is supported.
If you want, you can get a router that has a USB port (or several of them) that you plug the USB device into, and the router acts as the server, allowing multiple devices to use the USB.
Answer #2
Yes that will work,If you are looking for big storage don’t get a nas though its cheaper (and better) to just get a server raid card off ebay for 20$ and build a low end pc.
Answer #3
I run two 4TB NAS setup with DLNA server built in which is compatible with most smart TVs, only problem is not all so I could not use any security and had to use a “public” account. I have a media server (Plex) that runs on my Windows Server 2012 machine (Simply easier to setup than messing with IIS8 settings.) This then has My NAS Mapped as if it were a local folder, the Plex is then ran to my other devices with no problems. For non-smart TVs I ended up using a medium such as a ROKU (best choice by far even if made by Apple… yes it really is read the fine print.) Another option I used was an Android based Netgear Google TV box, which requires a reboot every 48-72hrs. This would also allow for USB connection. The only problem with going from NAS-USB-TV is the insane load time for even a 1TB of media, and codec issues. Simply put yes it can be done. Also my NAS has itself bought as a business grade NAS has ran non-stop for the last year 1/2 other then when I ended up getting new equipment and had to turn them off.


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