I dont know what a patch file is

August 5th, 2016

Hey wassup family! I have a question . I have been downloading apps for a while and sometimes i get it sometimes i dont. I dont know what a patch file is and how it works. I know the patch files help you get the whole program for use for free but where do I put it? do i copy patch files and post them in a certain folder? do i run the patch files?
Answer #1
Usually you need copy the files to the install directory (eg C:\Program Files (x86)\Program Name) and replace them if it’s a crack or run as admin if it’s a keygen. Look for txt or wordpad file for instructions
Answer #2
A patch is usually a little program that you run, and it “patches” the exe file of the installed program, often there is a chiptune playing in the background.
Sometimes, a ready-made cracked exe file is also called a “patch”, even if you just copy/paste that over the program file.
Answer #3
A patch if the term is being used strictly as it was first invented is an executable containing original (same as the bought game / app) files that replace some of the gamefiles with those of a newer version of the game / program. A crack is an executable that overrides a security measure made to ensure a user has a “legit” version of the game. Typically (actually every-time; basically no one has put a cracked executable into a patch AFAIK), after applying a patch you need to replace the main .exe file of the program / game with a new one, a newer “cracked” version.
You have a game with version 1.1 cracked.
A patch is released containing the official update files for version 1.2 eliminating the effects of the crack for the program / game.
Afterwards, you apply a new crack for version 1.2.
You can now run the program / game.
Answer #4
There’s a ‘patch’ and there’s ‘patched files’.
Patched files are in the crack folder when you unpack it. To use these you just install the software then copy the patched files into the install folder (usually in Program Files) to overwrite the existing ones.
With a patch you just copy the patch file to the install folder then run it. In some instances you can have a patch and keygen combined and with this you usually press the patch button then use the keygen to generate other info like serial number etc. ….. It’s not always necessary to copy the patch to the install folder but I always do because most patches will follow the default software instal path and I install everything into where I want it to go which is rarely if ever the software default instal path.
Occasionally you will get a patch that must be applied but you still need to enter serial details etc and quite often you just enter anything you feel like to get the full version of the software working.
I always disconnect from the internet when applying any crack because some software automatically connects to home to do a check.
& Jack_Torrance ……….. A CRACK is actually anything that makes a piece of software fully functional. A crack can be a keygen, patched files, a patch, a serial number, or anything else that gives you a full working version.


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