HDD become RAW

January 25th, 2020

hi Guys,
can someone please help how to restore data from a HDD that becomes RAW ?
My HDD becomes RAW and can’t access it .
everytime i connect it it asks to format the disk first.
thank yu

Answer #1
Use a data recovery software..Then use partitioning software..Delete the partition and create a new one..
That’s if there is no hardware damage..
Answer #2
can you recommende some software for this ?
should i format the HDD before start recovery the files ?
or leave it RAW ?
Answer #3
EaseUS is what you could use..
Answer #4
installed the software
after i connect the HDD with a USB reader
the Whole machines freez !
should i formate and scan to recovery
or recovery and after format
Answer #5
it would take long to explain , so i find a tutorial for you which doesnt require any additional software.
start to read option 1 , from step 2 ignore what is written in step 1
when you come to step 4 , you will see 1 of your harddrive is totally unallocated unlike the picture which is half of its allocated. but what you will do will be same as in picture
when you come to step 7 maximize simple volume size in mb section for the rest of the steps follow the same procedure as it is told in the pics until the end of option 1. dont deal with option 2.
as an important note , you wont be able to recover your files in your harddrive with this option , if you also want to recover files , it requires a different approach which generally ends with failure.
also as a last note if your harddrive have a capacity larger than 2tb , you wont be able to create a partition more than 2 tb with windows standard disk tools ,until you convert disk into GPT or until you use another 3rd party special formatter. if it is smaller than the 2 tb ignore what i wrote.
Answer #6
Thank you ,
when i connect the HDD,the computer just freez, when i run a command link for fdisk or diskmanagement its doesn’t respond
does it means its a HDD faillur ?
Answer #7
ah yes , your problem is similar with we are recently dealing with on another topic. https://www..org/viewtopic.php?t=21666622&highlight=
this one. you can also read this to gain some ideas.
you told that you get warning about raw harddrive , if it cause immediate freeze on connect , how do you get the warning ? or that freeze thing is started to happen after you installed a recovery software ?
Answer #8
don’t get any warning anymore.
when the HDD is connected its free the whole machine.
i believe the HDD is dead and its damaged
the windows recognise it and shows the Mapped Partition with a blauw question mark.
Answer #9
If the computer freezes when connecting the HDD then it’s a good sign that there is an electrical problem. So the disk seems damaged…


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