Internet disconnects while downloading…

July 28th, 2013

I’m having this problem again… I used to have this VERY same problem before, at the old place where I lived in before I moved to this new place. I haven’t changed ISP as I moved. And the problem of course… Is the following:
When I start downloading multiple links at once (with JDownloader), after 2-5minutes my internet disconnects. I haven’t tried to download with browser / IDM, because I don’t want to use IDM, and browsers doesn’t give me the full speed, not even close. Always when I download stuff, even sometimes with SINGLE link, my internet disconnects (see picture below):
And when it disconnects, my downloads on JD of course stops / pauses, and to resume the internet connection, I have to re-plug the internet write to my PC (take the internet wire off, and put it back), which gives me the internet connection back. That’s really frustrating because I can’t download nothing properly, without getting disconnected.
I said that I have had the same problem before, I think it was caused because my HDD’s (hard drives) was set as they goes “idle” when I’m not using PC (a.k.a PC being set as ‘locked’ -status), and my uncle changed the settings for me, and set it as my HDD’s remains as ALWAYS on (of course not when PC as shutdown…), and I think that fixed it… BUT!, I haven’t changed my PC / HDD settings (because I don’t know how to)… So that shouldn’t cause any problem?
Please help me, any tips, ANYTHING is 100% appreciated! To get this damn problem fixed! All my modem’s slots are already in use (my PC wire is in 1st slot), and… As I remember all sudden, this problem started when I set the PS3 in my internet…
What I mean with above is, that just 1-2 weeks back I set my PS3 in the modem (4rd, and the last available slot), and after that the internet started to go crazy…? Could this be the issue? I haven’t tried to take PS3 off yet… And I won’t be able to keep it off all the time because my son plays it some much at day times. Please help me with anything, I’m going to try everything to fix this problem! Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
When I download a torrent file it eats all my bandwidth and my internet doesn’t work for anything but the download. It doesn’t happen when I download through http (probably because I hit around 300kbs while on torrents I can get 1000-2000kbs). I don’t know if this is a similar problem. There was a setting that you could change in your router that would fix this a little. I think I played around with the automatic port settings (like upnp).
idk if any of this helps but I hope it does.
Answer #2
You should start making tests…use a different Download Manager, download through browser, disconnect your PS3…
I know you don’t want to do this, but it’s the only way you will know for sure, that those things above are/aren’t the problem.
Answer #3
I actually have the opposite happen to me.
The net drops out when i’m uploading.
Says something like refusing to connect to proxy.
So i can’t get on net for 2 or more minutes and it can happen 5 or more times in an hour.
Funny though as uploads keep going but downloads don’t.
With jdownloader i’m having similar problems downloading off youtube.
It’s either stopping just short of finishing and i have to resume or it’s saying it’s active but not moving.
Only seems to be with youtube.
Answer #4
Uploading slows your connection quite a lot, depending which ISP and subscription you have..
Answer #5
The net is slow at best of times lol.
I use a public one.
But this is different as the net stops working.
Only happens at this one place i go.
Not sure if it’s anything to do with them having vista.


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