Help with a web site

July 28th, 2013

Hi Everyone,
I am in ned of assistance with a web site. The web site is mine but I am paying for the service in the background. I would like to see how all that is working and to cut out the service so that I can do it on my own.
There is a web site out there called marketing motor (dot) net. It seems they have some sort of system on that site … a system that helps you build your web site and the web site you build is extremely compatable with google adwords …. they even assist you with the actual ads and ad groups domain …… its all automated.
What I would like to do is analyze the site I made throught marketing motor and see what connections it has to the marketing motor (dot) net web site … if there are any ………. then I want to recreate another web site (the same as I already have), but leave out the service fee of marketing motor.
Basically, I would like to know what program can assist me in this way? Is there a program that can download a complete site and provide the code for it and everything that I would need for the above explanation.
Why pay for it when I can learn it and do it my self?
Hope the above explanation is enough … if anyone needs any fruther explanation, please post a reply and I will answer as quickly as possible.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Answer #1
You don’t need some special service or company to run your adwords for you. Just get reading up about adwords, take the courses google offers, have a well optimised landing page the ad is running too and spend some time running different campaigns, testing different calls to actions, experimenting with titles, basicly learning adwords inside out.
There isnt such a program that will rip an entire site. You would need ftp access for that.
Answer #2
The reply wasn’t really relevant to my question.
I know I can do all that on my own … and that is not what I am asking. I want to see if there is anything special attaching my web site to the marketing motor web site ……. so that I can recreate it and do everything my self as opposed to paying these guys to do it for me.
Answer #3
Sorry, i guess id didn’t really understand your original post. Unless a site is completely static (all pages simply in html), you can’t simply download/rip the site via http connection. There are files you would need that you cant access unless you have ftp access. You can however quite easily rip most of the parts that make up the ‘look’ and style of the site, so if its just aesthetics your after it can be done.
If all your are looking for is a similar looking site and working site you could pay a developer to recreate a similar site, but pay them a one off fee and then you own the site and host it yourself. I presume with the current site you dont actually own or host the site yourself, (correct me if i’m wrong) but pay this company a monthly fee to retain it, or similar?
Answer #4
and in answering your question you can quite easily download a single page via clicking Save as in your browser the selecting save as web page complete. This will download the html of the page, and also most of the resources like images, javscrpt files, css files etc, to a folder on your PC. You can get apps that will do enitre sites like You can then look through the source easily on the pages and get a better idea of whats going on.


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